Leave Travel Concession -CCS Rules

LTC Rules - Leave Travel Concession Rules as per 6th CPC - (w.e.f. 01.09.2008) 

1. LTC Rules is allowed all Government servants irrespective of the distance between headquarters and their home town. 

2. LTC Rules is allowed Hometown" means the town, village or any other place declared as such by the servant and accepted by the controlling officer. 

3. LTC Rules is allowed only to those who have completed one year of service on the date of journey. 

4. LTC Rules is allowed for self and family. 

5. LTC Rules is allowed only to the family (in the case of an employee under suspension). 

6. LTC Rules is allowed to journey to “Home Town” once in a block of two years. 

7. LTC Rules is allowed journey to “Any place in India” once in a block of four years. 

8. LTC Rules is allowed to expression "any place in India" will cover any place within the territory of India whether it is on the mainland, or overseas. 

9. LTC Rules is allowed journey to “Any place in India” in lieu of one journey to Home Town. 

10. LTC Rules is allowed availing during all leave periods

11. LTC Rules is allowed all journeys to travel by Rail/Road/Air/Ship. 

12. LTC Rules is allowed privilege not availed during a block may be availed before end of the next year. 

13. LTC Rules is allowed allow family members independently in any number of batches. 

14. LTC Rules is allowed traveling to “Any place in India” the employee and or members of the family may travel either to the same place or different places of their choice. 

15. LTC Rules is allowed traveling to visit “Any place in India” or can visit his same Home Town also. 

16. LTC Rules is allowed in the same two-year block, some members of family can avail Home Town concession while other “Any place in India”. 

17. LTC Rules is allowed reimbursement by the entitled class or actually traveled class, whichever is less. 

18. LTC Rules is allowed 90 per cent of the anticipated reimbursement amount may be granted as advance. 

19. LTC Rules is allowed Grade Pay holders of Rs.2400,2600 and 2800 can go AC-II Tier class by train. 

20. LTC Rules is allowed Grade Pay holders of below Rs.2400 can go AC-III Tier / First Class / AC-Chair Car class by train. 

Earned Leave Encashment Facility

1. Earned Leave up to a maximum of ten days at a time may be enchased, subject to the condition that at least an equivalent duration of Earned Leave. 

2. This is limited to a maximum of 60 days during the entire career and the total number of days so enchased will not be included for computing maximum quantum of leave encashable at the time of quitting service. 

3. The balance at credit should be but less than 30 days after deducting the total of leave availed plus leave for which encashment was availed. 

4. Where both husband and wife are government servants, encashment of leave will continue to be available to both, subject to maximum limit of 60 days. 

Block Year 

1. The LTC to home town is allowed once in a block of two calendar years, such as 2006-2007, 2008-2009 and so on. 

2. The LTC to “Any Place in India” is allowed once in a block of four calendar years, such as 2006 - 2009 and so on. 

Husband and Wife

When both the husband and wife are Central Government servants: 

1. They can declare separate Home Town independently. 

2. They can claim LTC for their respective families, viz,. While the husband can claim for his parents / minor brothers / sisters, the wife can avail for her parents / minor brother / sisters.

3. Either of the parents can claim the concession for the children in a particular block; 

4. The husband / wife who avails LTC as a member of the family of the spouse, cannot claim independently for SELF. 

Family – definition

1. The Government servant’s wife or husband and two surviving unmarried children or stepchildren wholly dependent on the Government servant, irrespective of whether they are residing with the Government servant or not. 

2. Married daughters divorced, abandoned or separated from their husbands and widowed daughters and are residing with the Government servant and wholly dependent on the Government servant. 

3. Parents and / or step-parents (stepfather and stepmother) whole dependent on the Government servant, whether residing with the Government servant or not: 

4. Unmarried minor brothers as well as unmarried divorced abandoned, separated from their husbands or widowed sisters residing with and wholly dependent on the Government servant provided their parents are either not alive or are themselves wholly dependent on the Government servant. 

Change of Home Town

“The hometown once declared and accepted by the controlling officer shall be treated as final. In exceptional circumstances, the Head of the Department or if the Government servant himself is the Head of the Department, the Administrative Ministry, may authorise a change in such declaration provided that such a change shall not be made more than once during the service of a Government servant.” 

The CCS Rule allow an employee to change the Permanent Address given in their Service Records for once in their service. 

The employee can apply for this through their respective Head of Section enclosing the relationship and residential proof of the new address. 

Care to be taken before applying for the change of address as this facility will be available only once in their service. After changing the Permanent Address the employee is eligible to apply for Home Town LTC. 
Those employees who are residing on the outskirts of their work place, automatically they are ineligible for LTC HomeTown. For the benefit of these employees, a male employee can give the address of his wife’s native place or opposite, after the marriage of son or daughter, their residing place like that… But the respective Head of Section has the right to turndown the application. 


Geeth said…
Me and my husband are Central Govt. Employees working in the same Organisation, Ordnance Factory. From the recent amendments in LTC rules what I understood is Both Wife and Husband can encash a maximum of 10 days EL (in one spell) irrespective of who is availing the LTC ( i want to proceed on LTC with my Husband and child. I have given the declaration that I will be availing LTC, not my husband. Since I don't have much leave to encash, my husband wants to encash his 10 days leave. But i was informed that he can not encash since he is not the one availinf LTC.)Pl. Clarify
mahaveer said…
Please clarify about the eligibility of new recruits. Whether they are eligible for LTC every year i.e. four times in a block of four years.
Unknown said…
Sridhar Gutam said…
Does any one have the order of DoPT,s intimation to the Department of Telecommunication :- Swamysnews June, 2009, page No-33, Sl.No- 179- (i) The Government servants who have not completed 8 years of service as on 1-9-2008 are entitled for this concession as per their entitlement.
i intend to avai LTC to any place in india for the block year 2006-2009, My declared place of visit is DURGAPUR , as i am entitled to travel by air(GRADE PAY- 5400) i want to go to calcutta by AIR and than to DURGAPUR by Train, is it admissible as per LTC rules for central govt. and will get full reimbursement in full

Unknown said…
I am to avail LTC from 28th Dec.2009 to 5th Jan. 2010 for the block year 2006-09.I want to know wether I avail PTO (NE Regions) from 27th Feb. to 5th March 2010 for the block year 2010-11.
Thanking you

Dr. Jagdish Prasad
Central Govt. Employee
Shubhangee said…
In the rules , its is mention for both husband and wife working in central government, what is the rule if one of them is working in private sector

Santhi Ganess said…
i would like to know whether i can return on 03/01/2010 after awailing LTC for going to jaipur from chennai from 24/12/2009 ,utilising 2006-2009 block.
also since there are are no direct flights from chennai ,all via new delhi or bombay, will i still be able to claim the economy fare from chennai to jaipur via delhi?
pls clarify.
sb said…
sir i am working in Dept. of Post. I was permitted to avail LTC for the block year 2006-2009 from 29.09.09 to 17.10.09 with EL. I was availed the tour, but now I want no to claim LTC, I want to avail LTC next year. Neither I was claiming any advance, nor any bill submitted for the purpose. Is it possible for me to avail LTC for the period 2006-09 with one year extension in 2010.
subramanian said…
sir, Iam retaired railway servent.now i am having two sets of privilege pass from railways My wife who is working in CENTRAL MARINE FISHERIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE MANDAPAM RAMANATHAPURAM DISTRICT. SIR, Is she avail LTC for my children (two number) and myself? pl. clarify my doubt.
Unknown said…
I have three wholly dependent unmarried children aged 19,16 & 10.Will I be eligible for LTC for three children?
o.p.sharma said…
The definition of family should be elaborated as two serviving children may be meant as two children only (May be out of four serviving children)or in case of four serviving children none of the children would be eligible to avail LTC benifit.
Anonymous said…
sir,i am a central govt employee with grade pay 4200/-.my inlaws are wholly dependent on me and my husband.Do they come inthe definition of family for the purpose of LTC claim.malathi
Anonymous said…
iam working as prt in kvs and want to know whether iam entitle for my father's ltc as he is an ex-serviceman and getting pansion of Rs.5000
Unknown said…
In swamy's handbook, it states that an official appointed on 31.12.2006 will be eligible for the two year block 2006-07, but those appointed on or after 1.1.2007, will not be elibible for that block.
If so, a direct recruit Assistant appointed on 7.7.2008, will he be eligible for LTC for the block year 2008-09.
Unknown said…
I am working in Department of Post as a senior accountant with grade pay 4200. I have booked indian airlines economy class tickets for N-E region i e Ahmedabad to Bagdogara & same for return journey. Tickets booked for Ahmedabad-Delhi is under LTC80 while from Delhi-Bagdogara is under LTCQ class & same to Bagdogara-Delhi. Our administration objects LTCQ class stating that it is not for central government employees class & restricts ticket amounts to LTC80. Pl focus what is the difference between LTC80 & LTCQ class. Indian Airlines said that LTCQ class is for government employees class
Anonymous said…
what is the procedure and documents required to avail family pension for widowed daughters in ordnance fatories?
Anonymous said…
who is the certifying authority to certify that the daughter is not married to avail the family pension by widowed daughters in ordnance factories?
ranjit said…
Can I avail AC-II Tier while availing LTC HT/All India as I am getting the GP of 2800/-. Also let me know can I travel by any private/IA flight during availing NER Spl LTC which is extended for 2 years. Please clarify these two points.
ranjit said…
Sir, I am getting the GP 2800 in Central Govt in Stenographer cadre in ACP after completion of 10 years of regular service. I would like to clarify me that before ACP in Stenographers cadre there was no GP of 2800/-. On completion of ACP the STenographers always jumps to his next higher GP I.E. Rs.4200/-. Is there any proposal for change in the GP of Rs.2800/-.
Unknown said…
Sir I am Bhushan working BARC Central Govt. Employee I am getting married on 6th June 2010. Can I claim for LTC (Other than Home Town) with my wife after marriage. She is House wife
I intimate to the department before marriage. I dont want any LTC advance. I will claim for LTC after Journey.

Pl. clerify me
Thanking You.
Unknown said…
Respected sir

I am working in Group B in M/O Defence NHQ west Block R.K.Puram, Please let me know whether I can go one again to North East as I had availed one LTC in the year 2008 to North East.

2. Is it necessary to purchase ticket from Balmer Lawrie and company Ltd or from Ashoka tours and travels as mentioned in your Cir.No. 31011/2/2006-Estt (A) dated North Block.New Delhi, 24th April 2006 and ministry of finance f.No.19024/1/E.IV/2005 dtd.24.03.2006. para 3 sub para viii

3. Whether we can travel in Economy class Y class Air india.

4 Whether we can travel by any private Airlines if we purchase ticket from Balmer
lawrie and co. ltd or From Ashoka tours and travels.

Please clarify the above and oblige

Brij Mohan Singh
I am a central Government employee. I wish to know if travel abroad can I get the compensation through LTC rules. Would goverment reimburse the maximum LTC benefit for the farthest place from Delhi.
Kindly clarify.

Avinash Pushkarna
Unknown said…
I am Central Government Employee drawing salary under Grade pay of Rs. 4200. Being an unmarried female employee, would my parents cover under the definition of "Family" for the purposes of LTC? Further, my parents are wholly dependent on me.
sunit said…
I want to avail ltc from DELHI to PORTBLAIR via CHENNAI and back via BANGALORE to DELHI by air (entitled).Can I do so if the fare is equal to ltc 80 fare.
Anonymous said…
Hi, This is Kunal I have joined on 3rd april 2009 as mazdoor, I want to avail LTC to Portblair from Siliguri. I have a son aged nearly 2 and half year, I am not clear wheather I will get the fare of flight for my son and what amt is claimable as LTC for our ticket if I avail flight from Kolkata to Portblair?
Unknown said…
In case of woman employee declared her father in law and mother in law as dependent, then LTC /LLTC rules are applicable to them or not. Please quote office order

Geetha Ranchi
Anonymous said…
sir please clarify whether i can convert ALL INDIA LTC to visit jammu and khasmir as per DOPT OM 31011/2/2003 dt 18/6/2010 by air
Unknown said…
I have taken 02 Home town claim for year 2008-09 and 2010-11.Can I entitled for all India claim.

Unknown said…
I had utlise LTC in the year 2009 for HOME TOWN in the block year. Now we came to know that the Block year has been extended for one year. Now can I utilise LTC Any Place in INDIA during this block year. Kindly Advice me.
Unknown said…
Sir, I am residing at Faridabad or i can say my hometown is faridabad. How can I claim the concession of LTC 80 in leiu of surrending of one block of my hometown LTC because I am working in New Delhi and daily I came to my office from home town and I never avail hometown LTC during the entire period of service. Kindly advice me. Also, how can I awail home town LTC.
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
I have one doubt, I transfer from Chennai to Bangalore during Sep. 2010. After releaving from Chennai office and I joined next day at Bangalore office. As per rules, I am eligible for getting EL grant during the transfer. Now, I want to avail LTC. I can avail the EL grant leave during my LTC or I can avail seperately those kind of leave. Please clarify my doubt.
Unknown said…
My office friend wants to apply for LTC. Female employee can avail LTC, her parents-in-law instead of her parents. As per swamy book's, her parents are eligible for female employee, for male his parents are elegible. She declared her family members including her parents-in-law. Please clarify.
Unknown said…
I am working in DDK Coimbatore and I am under transfer to LPTV Erode. I will be relieved on 1/12/2010. I had applied for All India LTC on 26/11/2010. I Like to combine the LTC with Trasnfer and like to avail 7 to 10 days EL with Joining time. My office says that there is no such rules and they are not ready to sanction. the relieving office or the office which i am going to join which has the power to sanction my LTC. and which office has the power sanction my EL encashment. please give me details and necessary orders.

yours truly

Asst. Engineer
Unknown said…
I am working Ordanance Factory , Ambajhari Nagpur and my jonding oct2009( 1 year ) My quary it is possible As per rules, I am eligible for getting all india LTC on Dec 2010 blok year 2006-2009
Dash said…
This is in reference to Mr Pankaj dated dec 9 2010, you can not avail the all india LCT for the block year 2006-2009.
Anonymous said…
Availing air travel on LTC

I am a central govt. employee entitled for air travel on tour/LTC, now posted in North-East. There is no Air India service from Kolkota to Bhubaneswar, but there are services of private airlines. Can I travel by private airlines, while availing my LTC to come to my home town, Bhubaneswar. If not, what is my entitled class of travel. kindly help.
Unknown said…
Dear friend,

Regarding your LTC clarification, you should inform to your office/ authority, there is no direct air india fligt from Kolkatta to Bhubaneswar. Only available change of flights like Kolkatta to Mumbai and Mumbai to Bhubaneshwar or Kolkatta to New Delhi and New Delhi to Bhubaneswar. IT is more expensive. So, the private air lines are cheaper than air india flights. You should give a letter to the authority and will get permission for your travel. If they are not sanctioning, you will be in trouble. It is depending upon the processing officer. You will take printout of air fares and enclosed as a supporting document. Go to google and search for booking airtickets from Kolkatta to Bhubaneswar. You will get list of airlines with fares.

All the best and goodluck for your LTC.

with regards,

RaunakSingh said…
Dear Sir,
From Mar 12 to Mar 27 11, I availed my hometown LTC, this being my first hometown LTC. I had not taken any LTC advance due to sudden planning. In my organisation, the leave requests are approved on office LAN by senior management. While filling my leave request, i had chosen the option that i am availing Hometown LTC. On approval of the LTC leave request, a copy of the approve leave request goes to admin section. Leave for LTC was approved almost 15 days in advance. I completed my hometown LTC and reported office. While i was submitting my claim for LTC, i was told by my admin section staff that the claim is invalid and cannot be processed because i have separately not informed them in writing that i am availing LTC. I told them that a copy of approved leave request clearly mentioning that i am availing hometown LTC was already forwarded to them prior i started my journey. They are not ready to listen. Can anyone tell me if there is a separate prescribed form for only intimation for LTC other than a simple intimation by submitting approved leave request stating that individual is availing home town LTC? If reply is negative, i will incur a financial loss of Rs 22000.Pls guide.
Anonymous said…
Can Anybody please let me know what are the regulations if LTC claim is not submitted within a period of one month of completion of inward journey after availing LTC advance. I heard there is a clause of condoning by sutable authourity. How can this be used?
Anonymous said…
n the rules , its is mention for both husband and wife working in central government, what is the rule if one of them is working in private sector
Sridhar Thakur said…
Can Any body please let me know is there any order or circular regarding AGE LIMIT FOR UNMARRRIED AND DEPENDENT CHILDREN.

Sridhar Thakur
Indu Bhatnagar said…
I am working in a Delhi Govt. School as TGT. My pay scale is 9300-34800 , Grade pay - 4600. I availed LTC for the North-East region on 31st December 2010. I went to Sikkim. For this I took a Pvt. Flight from Delhi to Bagdogra and from there by taxi to Gangtok. I claimed Rail Fare from Delhi to Kolkata and from Kolkata to Bagdogra I claimed air fare. My Question is : CAN I CLAIM THE AIR FAIR OF PVT. AIR LINES FROM KOLKATA TO BAGDOGRA, OR NOT ?


Please help me to get the answer so that I can claim the fare.
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Hi Sir,

Is it possible to get LTA to add into my monthly pay-roll instead of drawing at Year end?
Anonymous said…
Dear Sir,

I am in the grade pay of Rs. 2800/- and i want LTC by air to Leh (Kashmir). Am I entitled for that.
Anonymous said…
is LTC for badrinath by helicopter from rishikesh is valid?
LTC by air to Kashmir is admissible to all issespective of GP, but that is from Delhi only, other journeys are as per entitlement on GP
Addendum:- Please read "from Delhi/ Amritsar" instead of "Delhi".
Mr. Mahaveer, new recruits are entitled to LTC to hometown alongwith family on three occasions in a block of four years and to any place in India on the fourth occasion. This is admissible for first two blocks of 4 years after joining for first time.Those who have not completed 8 years on 1.9.08 are also eligible.
Hometown can be changed once in the service life, so you can.
Mr. Nitin, you are entitled for Gwalior to Kolkata by air and then Kolkata to Durgapur by train, as Kolkata is the nearest airport from Durgapur
kendriya said…
May I please be known that competent authority can refuse the LTC of any employee. Is there any clause or provision,since it is a facility provided by Govt.of India to the employee for certain block year.

Kamal, Central Govt. Employee
Anonymous said…
Sir,May it be cleared that when central government officer is on tour to any state/district on LTCalong with his/her family. can he ask the state govt to make arrangements for their boarding,lodging and transportation for the period.
Mr. Kendriya, There is no such specific rule to refuse the LTC, but it can be refused indirectly by not sanctioning the leave which is a must to avail the LTC.
No, there is no such provision / rule to request the State Govt. to arrange for any boarding/ lodging in connection with LTC. It purely should be arranged on your own capacity.
Anonymous said…
I am P.K.Dixit form Mumbai. My parents are not staying with me. they are in Bhubaneswar ( my home town). As per 6PC amendment parents not residing with you can also avail LTC. i want to bring my parents from bhubaneswar to mumbai. But my office objects and says as my parents are in home town and they can not avail the home town ltc. The 6PC amendment will not help you. please help. my e-mailid : dixit.pk@gmail.com
sajith said…
Mr Sajid, Incidental expenditure incurred on local journeys between the residence/place of stay and the airport/railway station/bus terminal are not reimbursable.
(DOPT OM No. 31011/8/98-Estt. (A ) dated 31.3.99)
Satyendra Baraik said…
I joined Geological Survey of India on 1st April 2010 as a Geologist upto now I have not taken my home town LTC. whether I can take home town LTC for 2010-2011 block year in 2011- 2012, along with LTC for 2011-2012 block year. whether my block year start from April 1st or january 1st.
satyendra Baraik
Geological Survey of India
First of all, you should remember that the current block is 2010-13, extended upto 31.12.14. secondly, the block is based on calender year, not financial year. As you have joined on 1st April,2010 you have completed one year on 31st March,2011 and so you are entitled to HTC every year as per 6th CPC for the 3 occasions and anywhere in India on the 4th occasion in a block of 4 years for the first two blocks of 4 years. Hence you are entitled to take HTC for 2011(not 2011-12)in 2012 and also for HTC 2012(or anywhere in India)in this year. There is no restriction(or minimum time gap) for taking the both in same year.Hope the matter is now clear to you now.
Amit Kumar mittal said…
Dear Sir,
I am a Gp A officer in central govt in PB-4 with grade pay of 8700. I have availed last LTC in Jan 2007 from Delhi to Kashmir by air (Indian Airlines) booked through M/S Balmer Lawrie.
1. How many All India LTC I can avail now against block year 2008-09 and 2010-11 ?
2. Can I avail 2 All India LTC (1 against home town converted to All India, and another against All India itself) by 31 Dec 2012 ?
3. Is it compulsory to travel by Indian Airlines that too on LTC80 package only and booked through authorized agent such as M/S Balmer Lawrie etc .
4. If discounted airfare for travel by Indian Airlines booked through other travel agents such as Makemytrip/Cleartrip website etc are much less than LTC80 fare, can it be booked through these websites ?
5. If on some routes such as Lakshadweep, Indian Airlines do not ply, can private lines ticket be booked ?
Amit Kumar Mittal
Sanjay Nagpure said…
I am working in BSNL. I have taken the Hometown LTC of block 2010-2013 on march 2011 with my wife and children. Now BSNL has frozen the All India LTC for The same block for two years. My wife is also a government servant working in Post Office. Now can she claim for All India LTC for block 2010-2013 for me and my children?
naticeng talsofjMr. Nagpure, I don't understand why you people can't understand a simple thing that there is a basic difference between Home Town LTC(HTC) and LTC !! LTC block year is 2010-2013 which is split by 2 HTCs,i.e., 2010-2011 and 2012-2013. One can avail 1 HTC as usual, and another HTC can be used as all India LTC. So, you have every right to avail one all India LTC in lieu of 2012-2013 HTC. Ask your office to show the rules. By the way, your wife can't avail the same, as its not admissible for both. you will get it for HTC block year 2012-13 certainly, you can go allout.
Chopra said…
Me and my wife both are Central govt Officials posted in Delhi. My home town is Delhi and my wife’s Home town is Mumbai. My wife claimed LTC Home Town and I travelled with her as family member. My office gave certificate to that effect regarding my home town.

Now my wife’s office is saying that I can not travel as family and not entitled for Home town as my declared home town is Delhi and not admissible for LTC Home town.
What is the rule position in this regard?
Your wife's office has no clear concept regarding definition of family for LTC.
Husband and wife is one unit for the purpose of LTC and hence the condition of dependency is not applicable--------- Rule 4,GID(3). [ In respect of the other members (Rs. 3500/- p.m)]

Another point they are confusing with the word 'can' in the said clause----
" They can claim LTC for their respective families, viz,. While the husband can claim for his parents / minor brothers / sisters, the wife can avail for her parents / minor brother / sisters." ------It is the liberty that husband or wife cal avail if they desire. It is not mandatory. The facilities are given with a lenient view to make it convenient for both the husband and wife that they can claim LTC for their respective families. This rule or clause is not made to deber the genuine member of families. And, "husband and wife is one unit for the purpose of LTC"----already mentioned above.

However, they should be advised to go through the folloing DOPT's OM carefully,------

LTC when both husband and wife are Government servants and are residing together.

According to the definition of family as given under rule 4, which is applicable, in travel inter alia, for the purpose of admissibility of LTC, the family of a Government servant includes wife or husband, as the case may be, residing with the Government servant and children residing with and wholly dependent upon the Govt. servant. In addition, it includes the parents, sisters and minor brothers, if residing with and wholly dependent upon the Government servant.

According to the existing position where both husband and wife are Govt. servants and are residing together, they constitute one family unit for the purpose of LTC and only one of them can claim this concession and the other spouse travels as a member of his/her family. In such a case, the Govt. servants are required to make a joint declaration of a common hometown, which can be the hometown of either of the spouses or a third place. Therefore, the spouse who avails the LTC as member of family of the other could not claim the benefit separately for his/her own parents or dependent minor brothers and sisters even if they were residing with him/her. On the other hand, where a couple, both being Govt. servants, are residing separately can claim the benefit of LTC individually for their dependent parents, minor brothers and sisters and also declare two separate places as their respective hometowns. Therefore, the husband and wife when both are Govt. employees and are staying together suffer from certain disadvantages inasmuch as they have to declare common hometown and only one of them can claim the benefit of LTC. The matter has been considered in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) and it has been decided that where husband and wife both are Govt. servants, they could, at their option, choose to declare separate hometown and both of them may claim the concession separately under the normal provisions of CCS (LTC) Rules in respect of the members of their respective families subject to the condition that if husband or wife avails the facility as a member of the family of the other, he or she will not be entitled for claiming the concession for self independently. Similarly, the children shall be eligible for the benefit in one particular block as members of the family of one of the parents only. All other conditions for admissibility of the LTC shall continue to be applicable as per normal provisions of the scheme.

The above decision will be applicable to the journeys performed for availing the LTC against the block years 1990-91 onwards.

(DOPT OM No. 31011/8/89-Est.(A), dated 8.5.1990)

Hope, now they will understand the matter and allow you on the above context.

You will get it.
Anonymous said…
hello sir, I am an esic specialistworking in hospital. i hv availed my ltc for block year2010-2013 recently. final destination was dalhouji in himachal from ahmedabad via delhi,shimala,kulu manali. i had air travel upto delhi and later by road in all india permitted taxi vehicle,can i get the to and fro road fare from delhi to dalhouji? pl. clarify. thanks
Anonymous said…
I am central Govt employee. My daughter is 24 yrs old She was working with private company. She resigned from her job on 6th april. Now she is with me at home. Can I avail her LTC
I am an employee under central govt. - survey of india. and my husband is an employee of Canara Bank.
in Canara Bank, for Award Staff there is no provision to avail HTC(Home Town LTC), while he can only avail LTC. On the other hand, i can avail only HTC from my department, as the LTC will be availed by my Husband.
Anonymous said…
I am Central Government employee in Pay Band- IV. our family traveled from Karnal, Haryana to my Home Town Trichur in Kerala by air under LTC-80 after taking Rs. one lakh as advance. To and fro Road journey from Karnal to IGI Airport, New Delhi and Cochin Airport to Trichur were undertaken by Private Taxi. As I knew that Private taxi expenditure can not be reimbursed as per LTC rules, I requested the office not to reimburse taxi fares but only reimburse the airfares under LTC-80. To my Surprise, office has asked me to return all the advance money along with penal interest. What is the actual rule position? Can I not claim air fare under LTC 80 as I am ready to fore-go taxi fares? Please clarify at the earliest as penal interest is accumulating.
If the air journey was made between the airports nearest to the place of posting and hometown then you will get it. Ask them to mention the rules under which they are telling to refund the advance. Don't be scared, you will get it if traveled as mentioned above.
Unknown said…
Dear Sir
I am emplyee in Edu Deptt. with GP of 5400 i had traveled to Sringar as HTC and interested to travel to Portblair in the month of Dec same clander year
There was reply on Jan 2012 regarding time gape between two HTC or LTC and HTC given below is there any documentation.

regarding he same First of all, you should remember that the current block is 2010-13, extended upto 31.12.14. secondly, the block is based on calender year, not financial year. As you have joined on 1st April,2010 you have completed one year on 31st March,2011 and so you are entitled to HTC every year as per 6th CPC for the 3 occasions and anywhere in India on the 4th occasion in a block of 4 years for the first two blocks of 4 years. Hence you are entitled to take HTC for 2011(not 2011-12)in 2012 and also for HTC 2012(or anywhere in India)in this year. There is no restriction(or minimum time gap) for taking the both in same year.Hope the matter is now clear to you now.
Anonymous said…
I applied hometown ltc from NER(AGartala) to my home town Kakinada. But my family is at Hyderabad, so can I show my LTC upto Hyderabad instead of Kakinad
Anonymous said…
im permanently residing in delhi and my office HQ is in delhi itself.. my wife is from other state .. can i change my hometown as her native place .. i go there frequently after joining the service as well as after marriage..please advise as im not getting beneffit of hometown LTC
Unknown said…
Sir, I am residing at Bahadurgarh or i can say my hometown is Bahadurgarh. How can I claim the concession of LTC 80 in leiu of surrending of one block of my hometown LTC because I am working in New Delhi and daily I came to my office from home town and I never avail hometown LTC during the entire period of service. Kindly advice me. Also, how can I awail home town LTC.
Unknown said…
Sir, I amit kumar.my brother age is 23 yrs.he is dependent on me.but I am not showing he is dependent in my office.but now I wants to show that he is dependent on me.please tell me this is possible
Anonymous said…
sir i m a central govt. employee and have applied LTC leave for delhi to ooty .
I went delhi to bangalore by flight and bangalore to ooty by private taxi .
But my office is saying that u will not be paid any fare.
Unknown said…

my Husband Late Sh. Surinder Kumar ASI 903 AMB. posted in dist Ambala
under SP Ambala deptt.in haryana Police from last 25 app. years.
and expired on 06-02-2012....
can i (widow of Late sh.Surinder Kumar ) now (on 19-06-2013) apply for LTC in block years
2008 to 2011 in favor of my husband.

for information :- In MAY 2013 App. LTC ( one month salary ) distributed in
dist. Ambala to Police personal but my husband not recived
any amount in favor of LTC ( One month salary ).

If possible please attached the file which shows LTC can claim or not claim

from :- family pensioners
santosh Rani
Widow of Late sh surinder kumar
ASi 903 Ambala
Unknown said…
hello sr i m a central govt employee GP4200/-.i have been permitted by CA to avail LTC for self for the year2013 fm delhi to bageshawar (uk).i traveled upto kathgodam by train after this point I have to take either private taxi or by own car. coz there is no direct bus service for my home town(vill which is 235appx km away from kathgodam. so I take journey by own car.now what should i do to claim the expenses & can I allowed to take journey by car or what can be done to claim the real expenses.please suggest.....
balaa said…
Dear Pijush Kanti Pramanik,

I am working in DRDO.
I joined on 22 sept 2005
As per 6 CPC.. i can avail LTC in my first eight years.This year i want to go All india LTC..
The problem is our Admin people are saying that i should avail the All india LTC before sept 2013..

I need your help sir....I want to travel in December 2013
hi ,
i wnat use my LTC for mumbai in oct. 2013 but would like to know if i visit to chennai and then to mumbai will get paid for
1.kolkata to chennai journey
2. mumbai to kolkata journey
payment .....
if i get reimbursed for chennai to mumbai journey it will even better but is it possible,

abhishek chaturvedy
Dear Mr Abhishek,
Return journey, i.e. Mumbai to Kolkata you will get the reimburshment as per your entitlement, provided this is direct and shortest journey.
For outward journey, you are performing break journey. If both journey from kolkata to Chennai and Chennai to Mumbai are in the same class, add the kilometers, proportionately restrict to the kilometers travelled for return journey, i.e. Mumbai to Kolkata direct.
If Kolkata to Chennai and Chennai to Mumbai are of different class, you will get full fare of the higher class first (provided you are entitled for that), then deduct the kilometer from the kilometer of Mumbai to Kolkata. That kilometer of journey will be calculated @ lower class journey fare.
Dear Mr Balaa,
As you joined on 22.09.2005, your first two blocks are 2006-2009 and 2010-2013. Block means Block, i.e. four calendar years. So you are entitled for journey in december 2013. Ask your Admin people to so the rule that your entitled blocks are of date to date year.
Dear Mr Darwan Koranga,
Private car/ private taxi not admissible.
Madam Khusdeep Walia,
LTC facility is admissible for the members of a serving employee, not for pensioners/ family pensioners.
Dear Mr Amit Kumar,
Your brother is not minor, so he is not in your family though he is actually dependent on you.3189 ianaf
Ankur said…
Hi, I am a CG employee with GP-5400/- My parents are dependent.
would they be allowed to travel by air as I??

I am in kolkata(HQ) and my route is Kolkata->Lucknow->Sitapur(hometown) am i and my dependent eligible for AIR India or any flight because air India direct flight is not available??

I have completed my LTC alone. Now can i avail LTC for dependents separately.
(BY air india or any)
1)Yes, dependent parents will get as you.
2)Air India only upto nearest airport of the destination.
3)Yes you can avail LTC separately for your dependents( by Air India only)
N.B. :- Tickets should be LTC economy and purchased from authorised agents.
VoyageRealm said…
iam in pattabiram chennai 72. i am working in avadi chennai 54 HVF CAN I AVAIL THE HOME TOWN LTC
Anonymous said…
Mr.Devaraj, there is lot of confusion to avail this concession for the employees working and staying in same districts, postal pincode and cghs permissible area etc. The head of the departments are neglecting in some cases causing on any one of the said reasons, but orders are clearly said that "Home Town LTC may be admitted to the employee whose headquarter and home town are within the same district provided they do not come within the purview of same station as has been defined under SR 116 of FRSR Part 11 TA Rules".
Unknown said…

E MAIL. ADDR- sushmit2011@gmail.com
Unknown said…
I want to take LTC for NER which is ending on 30/04/2014. I want to clarify whether my start journey date should be before 30/04/2014 or return Journey.
Kindly confirm with some official letter issued by Govt. of India.
Mr Dinesh Patil, You can travel by air (even private airlines-economy class) from Delhi or Amritsar only.
Mr. Irfan Khan, It is the start journey, return journey may be on a later date.
ERA said…
My earlier place of posting was Delhi and presently I am posted at Gangtok, which is also my HQ. My parents are still leaving at Delhi and no transfer allowance was claimed in respect of them. My Home Town is Jaipur.
For my father I claimed "Home Town LTC converted to North East."

My office says that "Reimbursment of LTC claims being restricted to the entitlement for Journey between Headquarters and place of visit, the reimbursement in such case is nil as 'in case of parents/ children residing at other places avail LTC to visit the Govt. servant at headquarters and go back.'

My submission is that it is a case of Home Town LTC converted to visit North East, which is being allowed even if home town and place of posting is same.
Opinions are solicited please.
Anonymous said…
I am central govt. employee working in pune. I had availed LTC to Andaman Nicobar in Dec 2012 for 2010-2011 block ( extended grace period up to Dec 2012). Now I want to avail home town LTC in May 2014 for block 2012-2013 Extended grace period up to Dec 2014) My office has denied. They say that for block of 2010-2011 grace period up to Dec. 2012 is only for Home town LTC and not for LTC (any where in india). My availing LTC to Andaman in Dec. 2012 has seem that I have utilized block for 2012-2013. Is it correct? Please suggest.
Anonymous said…
I am technician working in All India Radio. Grade pay for technician is 2800. But after two MACP my grade pay is at present Rs. 4600. As per promotional scheme can I travel to J&K by air from Pune to Delhi by air? My office is denied my claim saying that those post who carries grade pay 4200 only can travel by air and not to person who got it through MACP. Is it correct? Please give your guidance.
You can travel by air from Delhi or Amritsar to J&K (There is no restriction of Grade Pay, Officers of all Grade Pays are entitled for this). Regarding Air from Pune to Delhi, You are not entitled ( GP Rs 5400/- is the minimum criterion for that entitlement). However, drawing a Grade Pay on MACP does not debar the entitlement.
M Madhu babu said…

LTC claim submitted by Mr. M. Madhu babu (Grade pay-2400/-) has been availed 4 year4s block LTC for the block year 2010-13 from kolkata (duty place) to port blair9visiting place) and back by private air lines (spicejet) on concession rates @ 3909.25 per ticket. Portblair also connected with air india & shipping corporation of india and fares of air india is @ 10,101/- and fares for shipping corporation of India is @ 5540/- per ticket
Sonali said…
Sir, I am working in central excise department as senior tax assistant. According to ccs leave rules ltc can be availed diring maternity leave but can not be availed dirung child care leave as Child Care Leave is granted for the specific purpose of taking care of a minor child for rearing or for looking after any other needs of the child during examination, sickness etc. Presently, I am on child care leave in continuation of maternity leave for 8 months old baby. Can I avail htc?
Sonali said…
Sir, I am working in c.excise department as senior tax assistant. I am on child care leave in continuation of maternity leave. Can I avail htc?
terryjohn said…
sir, my mother is punjab goverment employee she applied for ltc and she got 75% advance but due to some reason i can't go with my family. what will be the consiquences?
Anonymous said…
Can any one help me please,I am a central Govt.employee.I want avail all india LTC to portblair.But my office is unable to provide LTC advance and leave encashment.I don't have sufficient amount to carry on the expenditure.What to do in such case,What are the provisions in LTC rules in such a case?
raunak it is necessary to prior information of ltc
Thanks for sharing Good Information...............
Port Blair is beautiful destinations in the world. We Provide Ltc Package Port Blair For Central government and public sector employees.
Unknown said…
Dear sir
I wish to know that My mom is getting a pension after my father passed away in May 2014. He is getting some of rs 10,000 as pension. Whether she is eligible to become a dependant underme for both LTC and CHSS facility. Please clarify. I work in ISRO, Bangalore.

Thank you
Anonymous said…
I am a central govt empl.with grade pay of 6600.my wife is in rederve bank.she is allowed ltc every two years and I also avail this facility as a memberof the family.can I get leave encashment at the time of availing ltc every two years subject to limit of 60 days?
VIJAY said…
Mr. Vijay, Outward journey was before 31.12.14, so you will get everything.Return journey may be in the next block, it will be treated under block 2010-2013 (extended upto 31.12.14)
Unknown said…
hi, I m female government servant working as assistant professor in national institute of technology. i hace availed two LTC's with my husband and two kids. Can i take my both parents with me on LTC as family members.
they both were government servant and now they are retired.
kindly guide me.
Yes, if their income is below Rs. 3500/-, and dependent on you.
Anonymous said…
P K Sharma

my sons are studying in MBA & CA age 26 & 27 years can they avail the LTC with me
Unknown said…
Hi, I am Rama Krishna, Superintendent of Central Excise. I joined service in 1992. I did not make Home Town declaration at the time of joining. Now, I wish to make a declaration on my Home Town. Is there any specific provision to cover my case.

Anonymous said…
I m a teacher inMCD Delhi.My grade pay is 4600.l have taken 90% advance for journey from Delhi to Port Blair and Havelock island.I went by Rajdhani train from Delhi to Kolkata and then by Air India Flights to Port Blair Then by coastal cruise to Havelock island as tickets for Government Ferry were not available at that time.Then I returned by Government Ferry to Port Blair.Then by Air India Flight to Kolkata and finally to Delhi by Rajdhani train.So l used only one one sided private ticket while the whole journey was through Government vehicles Now my department is denying me the 10% claim and also asking for refund of 90% with interest Please guide me can they do so according to rules or I can get restricted claim excluding that private ticket
Anonymous said…
Please reply soon as interest is accumulating
joydeep sarkar said…
If u have booked tickets frm air india site, irctc, baller Lawrie, ashoka travels then there is no rule for returning d advances.. Only the onward journey frm port blair to havlock will be deducted...
joydeep sarkar said…
yes there is the provisions you can add home town at any time of your service life
Neeru said…
Thanks for replying to my question Can I use your answer as a documentary proof for showing it to my department Please reply at the earliest
Neeru Sachdeva
Unknown said…
Thanks for replying to my question and relieving me from stress. Please tell me if i can use your answer to my comment as a documentary evidence for showing it to my department for claiming the remaining 10% LTC and also showing that claim taken by me 90% advance is also correct and doesn't tend to be cancelled.

Neeru Sachdeva
Anonymous said…
Thanks for replying to my question and relieving me from stress. Please tell me if i can use your answer to my comment as a documentary evidence for showing it to my department for claiming the remaining 10% LTC and also showing that claim taken by me 90% advance is also correct and doesn't tend to be cancelled.

Neeru Sachdeva
Unknown said…
Thanks for replying to my question and relieving me from stress. Please tell me if i can use your answer to my comment as a documentary evidence for showing it to my department for claiming the remaining 10% LTC and also showing that claim taken by me 90% advance is also correct and doesn't tend to be cancelled.

Neeru Sachdeva
Rajat Sharma said…
It is very good news for all the central govt servants. Everybody want to enjoy and traveling from one place to another. This news will help them and they can enjoy holidays.

Radio Taxi in Lucknow
Unknown said…

i am working in municipal corporation of delhi as a sr medical officer in pay bamd of 6600.
my wife is manager in private company. she gets fixed monthly LTA, which she avails as a taxable amount.
Can i avail LTC for me, my wife and child.
What documentation is required.

Second -

i have not availed any LTC in this block year.
Can home time LTC be converted in to Andman nicobar LTC. or i have to take all India LTC
me and my father both r govt. employees,now can I avail ltc for my father and mother in this condition... plz give me some suggestion on this topic.
Unknown said…
Sir, at the time of joining to fci, i have given my hometown chandrapura, jharkhand, that is my native.now i need to change that one to kolkata, mt husband adress...what hv to do for that...
Unknown said…

I need a calrification regarding LTC Home town. I joined an autonomous organisation under Central Government on 30.06.2014. I had complete my one year service on 29.06.2015 on regular basis. Then I put my resignation in the month of august 2015 and accepted by the authority w.e.f. 30.08.2015.

Before reliving I want to avail my LTC Home benefit. Can it will be granted or not and the leave at credit like EL, CL can be availed mean time.

Kindly give your input in this regard.
Unknown said…
Sir, I m a central govt employee, GP4600/-.I have availed HOME TOWN
LTC with my family To my home Mundru(Sikar), i traveled upto jaipur
by train after then use own car to go home town 57km apart from
jaipur and retuned by govt bus to jaipur. because there is only limited
govt bus services(only once a day)to my home town, so I take
journey by own car.but my offices denied to reimbursh the LTC claim
due to journey own vehicle. Please what is the LTC rule regarding this matter.............
Kumar said…
Can a home town declaration form (which was not accepted by the then controlling officer at the time of joining) be accepted now after a lapse of 10 years?
Anonymous said…
Female Government employee n her spouse is working in Railways.whether she is eligible for LTC for her parents? If yes plz attach the govt. Orders.
Admin said…
If avail LTC and take leave encashment for that purpose and no taken any fare advonce. Please clarify following points 1- Are must to submit the LTC bil 1- If the employee is not submit LTC bill ,then what action shuld be taken by the Dept.
Shweta said…
Sir, I m a central govt employee. I have put a ltc claim for the year 2015. My admin office is telling that my claim can't be sanctioned as I have not given prior intimation. But, I had put in EL application form that I will b claiming ltc to kolkata for me and my family.. The place of visit was mentioned in the leave application but separate intimation was not given. Is there any separate proforma for the intimation. Or that is not sufficient if it is been mentioned in the EL form itself,which after approval goes to admin section only. Thanks
Unknown said…
Shweta said…
I am inspector in central excise department. Can u please tell me that informing to avail ltc for intended place to visit in EL application form is not sufficient... I'd the individual as performed the journey after approval of leave only. Then akso, Does Separate intimation required?
Anonymous said…
I am working as inspector in central excise department. Can u please tell me is it not sufficient to intimate the place of visit for ltc in El form itself.. The journey was performed after approval of leave only.. Separate prior intimation is required to b given or not.. Thanks
Unknown said…
Thanks for provides great informatic and Nice Blog, this blog is very informative & valuable for me. I will wait for your kindly new information about
If it was mentioned in the leave application that u are availing LTC and also mentioned the place of visit, and leave was sanctioned,no separate prior intimation not required.
Mr. Hem, bill to be submitted with in three months of completion of return journey, otherwise your claim will be cancelled.
Anonymous said…
if my friend availed LTC during a financial year for his dependent son in current year , however his son became independent afterwards in same year , what should he do? should he inform the department and return the LTC,or is he entitled to draw LTC for his son since when he filed the claim he was dependent.
Anonymous said…
hello mr. pijush kanti I am Anuj Jain working in Dte of Education Delhi. I joined to my services in 2003 and the permanent address was mentioned in my service book ( delhi address only) at that time i didn't know much about hometown or home town ltc. Later when i came to know about hometown ltc claim then i asked few of my friends but no one has a clear idea. My question is
1. " is the permanent address written in one's service book considered as home town address."
2. " My wife is also working in same organisation her permanent address is also written as mine but she is from Haryana and her parents still living there can she declare her home town as haryana"

Please help
Harpreet said…
After marriage I changed my permanent address. Does my hometown changes automatically.. I haven't given any request to change my hometown. Does permanent address and hometown means the same thing....
Unknown said…
Is Air travel is permitted to Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep islands for performing duty or LTC to non-entitled class of employees...ie; the personal drawing less than Rs 5400 Grade Pay ( as per 6th CPC)
jps said…
Dear Pijush ji, kindly clarify whether a CG employee staying with family can claim LTC for self alone.
Unknown said…
Similar case also me. Pse clarify.

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