I. Financial Upgradation under MACPS in the casse of staff joined
another Unit/Organisation on request
Under the old ACP Scheme which was effective from 1.10.09, the regular service rendered in the previous organisation shall be counted alongwith regular service in the new organisation in those cases of staff joined another post/organisation on own request even in lower post.
But in the MACPS such benefit of financial upgradation (hitherto allowed) is not admissible. This needs to be reviewed and the extant provision suitably amended facilitating continuance of financial upgradation benefit.
II. Denial of Benefit on Account of Para 8.1 of MACPS
Para 2 of the MACPS contained in DOPT O.M. No. 35034/3/2008-Estt. (D) dated 19.5.2009 envisages merely placement in the next higher pay. In terms of this para, the staff in certain departments who are already in Grade Pay of Rs. 4500/- should legitimately be placed in the next Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/- in PB-3 on fulfilment of the stipulated years of regular service.
However vide Para 8.1 of the MACPS it has been stated that the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 and PB-3 shall be treated as separate Grade Pay for grant of financial upgradation. This stipulation has resulted in denial of benefit to those who are placed in Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/-.
It would therefore be necessary to suitably amend or delete para 8.1 of the MACPS.
III. Counting of Training Period for MACPS
In certain departments, the staff are recruited for the purpose of imparting induction training and there after absorbed as regular staff. During the period of training stipend is paid to them. This training period is counted as part of service under the extant provisions for pensionary benefits, annual increments etc., Hence, the period of training should be counted along with regular service for the purpose of MACPS.
IV. Staff re-deployed in other Cadres/Organisations consequent upon their Medical Decategorisation
There are medically decategorised (Railways) re-deployed in the lower posts in other cadres/departments. Under the 2 ACP concept, the previous service in the higher grade is allowed to be counted for ACP benefit. In the present MACPS, there is no such provision. Suitable amendment to MACPS be made for extending the benefit of financial upgradation to the medically decategorised employees re-deployed in lower grade posts.
V. Application of MACPS to the Surplus Staff Re-deployed to lower posts in other Cadres/Organisations.
The extant provision in the MACPS is not clear in regard to counting of service in the previous post/cadre in the case of surplus staff re-deployed in the lower grade posts.
Clear clarification is needed for reckoning the previous service and equally for protecting their pay.
VI. Anomalous situation surfaced in the Course of implementation of MACPS:-
Illustrations highlighting the occurrence of anomalous situations are given below:-
Under the old ACP Scheme which was effective from 1.10.09, the regular service rendered in the previous organisation shall be counted alongwith regular service in the new organisation in those cases of staff joined another post/organisation on own request even in lower post.
But in the MACPS such benefit of financial upgradation (hitherto allowed) is not admissible. This needs to be reviewed and the extant provision suitably amended facilitating continuance of financial upgradation benefit.
II. Denial of Benefit on Account of Para 8.1 of MACPS
Para 2 of the MACPS contained in DOPT O.M. No. 35034/3/2008-Estt. (D) dated 19.5.2009 envisages merely placement in the next higher pay. In terms of this para, the staff in certain departments who are already in Grade Pay of Rs. 4500/- should legitimately be placed in the next Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/- in PB-3 on fulfilment of the stipulated years of regular service.
However vide Para 8.1 of the MACPS it has been stated that the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 and PB-3 shall be treated as separate Grade Pay for grant of financial upgradation. This stipulation has resulted in denial of benefit to those who are placed in Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/-.
It would therefore be necessary to suitably amend or delete para 8.1 of the MACPS.
III. Counting of Training Period for MACPS
In certain departments, the staff are recruited for the purpose of imparting induction training and there after absorbed as regular staff. During the period of training stipend is paid to them. This training period is counted as part of service under the extant provisions for pensionary benefits, annual increments etc., Hence, the period of training should be counted along with regular service for the purpose of MACPS.
IV. Staff re-deployed in other Cadres/Organisations consequent upon their Medical Decategorisation
There are medically decategorised (Railways) re-deployed in the lower posts in other cadres/departments. Under the 2 ACP concept, the previous service in the higher grade is allowed to be counted for ACP benefit. In the present MACPS, there is no such provision. Suitable amendment to MACPS be made for extending the benefit of financial upgradation to the medically decategorised employees re-deployed in lower grade posts.
V. Application of MACPS to the Surplus Staff Re-deployed to lower posts in other Cadres/Organisations.
The extant provision in the MACPS is not clear in regard to counting of service in the previous post/cadre in the case of surplus staff re-deployed in the lower grade posts.
Clear clarification is needed for reckoning the previous service and equally for protecting their pay.
VI. Anomalous situation surfaced in the Course of implementation of MACPS:-
Illustrations highlighting the occurrence of anomalous situations are given below:-
Employee ‘X’ | Employee ‘Y’ |
Appointed as CG-I in pay scale Rs.330-560/Rs.4500-7000 in December 1984 after being selected by RRB and placed on merit no.19 | Appointed as CG-I in pay scale Rs.330-560/Rs.4500-7000 in December 1984 after being selected by RRB and placed on merit no.21 |
(ii) Promoted as JAA in pay scale Rs.5550-9000 in the year 1987 | (ii) Promoted as JAA in pay scale Rs.5550-9000 in the year 1987 |
(iii) Qualified Appendix II examination for regularization as JAA | (iii) Qualified Appendix II examination for regularization as JAA |
(iv) passed Appendix III SO Group in the year 1994 | (iv) Did not appear in exam. |
(v) Promoted as SO in the year 2003 | (v) Not eligible for promotion to SO |
(vi) Got GP Rs.4800 w.e.f. 01-01-2006 pay was fixed at Rs.17590 i.e. less than a junior who did not qualify appendix III examination | Got 2 promotions under MACPS GP Rs.4600 GP Rs.4800 and pay was fixed at Rs.17710 |
Employee ‘X’ | Employee ‘Y’ |
Appointed as CG-I/Jr.AA in Gr. Pay Rs.2800 | Appointed as Accounts Clerk in Gr. Pay Rs.1900 |
(ii)Qualified Appendix II A for regularization as Jr.AA GP Rs.2800 | (ii)Passed Appendix IIA examination for promotion to Jr.AA GP Rs.2800 |
(iii)Promoted to GP Rs.4200 on completion of 3 years of service | (iii) Continued in GP Rs.1900 |
(iv) Passed examination of Appendix III A | (iv) Passed examination of Appendix III A |
(v) Promoted as SO in GP Rs.4800 | (v)Promoted as SO in GP Rs.4800 directly from GP Rs.1900 |
(vi) Under 3rd MACPS he will get GP Rs.5400 | (vi) Now under MACPS he will get 2nd promotion in GP Rs.5400 3rd MACPS he will get GP Rs.6600 |
Employee ‘X’ | Employee ‘Y’ |
Appointed as Trackman in pre-revised pay scale Rs. 2610-3540 (GP Rs.1800 ) | Appointed as Trackman in pre- revised pay scale Rs. 2610- 3540 (GP Rs.1800 ) |
(ii) Promoted as Sr.Trackman in pre-revised pay scale Rs.2750-4400(GP Rs.1800) | (ii) Promoted as Sr.Trackman in pre-revised pay scale Rs.2750-4400(GP Rs.1800) |
(iii) Promoted as Keyman in pre-revised pay scale Rs.2750-4400 (GP Rs.1800) after passing test and shouldering higher responsibility | Now under MACPS he will get 1st MACPS in GP Rs.1900 2nd MACPS in GP Rs.2000 3rd MACPS in GP Rs.2400 |
(iv) Promoted as Mate in pre-revised Pay
scale Rs.3050-4590 (GP Rs.1900) after passing selection -Now under MACPS he will be entitled for 2nd promotion in GP Rs.2000 3rd MACPS in GP Rs.2400 |
Employee ‘X’ | Employee ‘Y’ |
Appointed as ASM in GP Rs.2800 in the year 1981 | Appointed as ASM in GP Rs.2800 in the year 1986 |
(ii) 1st regular promotion in GP Rs.4200 in the year 1984 | 1st regular promotion in GP Rs.4200 in the year 1990 |
(iii) 2nd regular promotion in GP Rs.4600 in the year 2008 after passing selection | Now under MACPS he will get 2nd MACPS in GP Rs.4600 and 3rd MACPS in GP Rs.4800 in the year 2010 as he completed service 4+10+10 years = 24 years |
(iv) he will get 3rd MACPS in GP Rs.4800 in the year 2011 on completion of 30 years of service | - |
Note- The senior employee who got promotion after passing positive act of
selection will get GP Rs.4800 later than his junior by 5 years of service.
The aberrations highlighted in the above 4 illustrations nweeds to be examined for rectification.
VII. Para 24 of MACPS
This para directs is counting of regular service from the date of joining the new organisation for the purpose of promotion under MACPS. It applies to an employee who seeks transfer on a lower post/lower scale after getting promotion/ACP. According to this para those who seek transfer before getting promotion/ACP will get benefit of service in the parent unit/organisation.
The para does not cover the situation when employee seeks mutual transfer. However Railway Board has given clarification vide letter No. PC-V/2009/ACP/II/WR dated 28.1.2010, that the mutual transfer should also be treated as movement to a new Organisation i.e. for the purpose of MACPS his service should be counted from the date of joining of new organisation. I n regard to mutual transfer the clarification is incorrect because such an employee maintains his position in the seniority list as per extant rules. Suitable clarification needs to be issued for counting the service rendered in the previous organisation for the purpose of allowing financial upgradation under MACPS.
The aberrations highlighted in the above 4 illustrations nweeds to be examined for rectification.
VII. Para 24 of MACPS
This para directs is counting of regular service from the date of joining the new organisation for the purpose of promotion under MACPS. It applies to an employee who seeks transfer on a lower post/lower scale after getting promotion/ACP. According to this para those who seek transfer before getting promotion/ACP will get benefit of service in the parent unit/organisation.
The para does not cover the situation when employee seeks mutual transfer. However Railway Board has given clarification vide letter No. PC-V/2009/ACP/II/WR dated 28.1.2010, that the mutual transfer should also be treated as movement to a new Organisation i.e. for the purpose of MACPS his service should be counted from the date of joining of new organisation. I n regard to mutual transfer the clarification is incorrect because such an employee maintains his position in the seniority list as per extant rules. Suitable clarification needs to be issued for counting the service rendered in the previous organisation for the purpose of allowing financial upgradation under MACPS.
I am working in a central govt dept with 25 years of service.I got my first ACP of rs 4600 grade pay after 12 years of service (equvallent to rs 6500 scale) and second ACP OF RS 6600 IS DUE ONLY IN 2009 july .But as per the sixth pay commission cut off date of august 2008 ,i am not eligible to get 6600 Grade pay instead eligible for only 4800 grade pay after 20 years .In this situation ,i can not reach the grade pay of Rs 6600 even after completing 30 years of service.there is lot of variation in the grade pay for a person like me with few days difference and it reflect in the facilities of alottment of quarters,mode of travel, hotel DA etc.
hence the hon ble committee may examine the anomaly and do the need ful
Some people giving suggetions on their need of view.If it is accept as such it will create desp and dissatisfaction among others.Conceding demand of pressure lobby is main cause of some anomalies.Terms and conditions of ACP is relaxed in MACP and now so many cadres were abolished due to merger.In this circumstance directly giving promotion grade will create more problem for others and adversly affect working atmosphere in some cadres.Any way every decision will create some fortunates and unfortunates.
I am working in Central Govt dept(C.A.P.F)and in the peak of completing 20 years of service with DOA-01.07.1992.Due to non availability vacancy, I was promoted during Feb,2004 at the same time the lower post was also abolished in that particular promotion order.It is therefore request to kindly clarify for implementing ACP/MACP on the above promotion.
Yours faithfully,