Relaxation for travel by air to visit Jammu & Kashmir

NO. 31011/2/2003-Estt. (A-IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, dated the 18th June, 2010


Subject.:  CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 – Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K

    The undersigned is directed to say that in relaxation of CCS(LTC) Rules. 1988, it has been decided by the Government to permit Government employees to travel by air to J&K as per the following scheme:-

    (i)     All officers/employees of Government of India will be allowed to avail LTC to visit J&K against conversion of one block of their Home Town LTC.

    (ii)     Officers/employees of Government of India entitled to travel by air can avail this LTC in their entitled class.

    (iii)     All other employees of Government of India can travel by air in economy class from Delhi and Amritsar to any place in J&K by any airlines subject to their entitlement being limited to LTC-80 fares of Air India. Journey from their place of posting up to Delhi/Amritsar will have to be undertaken as per their entitlement.

    (iv)     Restriction of air travel only by Air India on LTC to other places shall continue to remain in force.

    (v)     This scheme shall be effective from the date of issuance.

2.     These orders shall be in operation for a period of two years from the date of issue of this O.M.

3.     In their application to the staff serving in the indian audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue on consultation with comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Smt.Rajbala singh
Under secretary to the Govt.of India

Source :


Anonymous said…
It is not clear from the above order, if the employees/officers can use provate airlines for travel to J&K. Can anyone please clarify.
Anonymous said…
Bajrang (MoD)
Thanks to Govt to allow their employees to visit J & K by Air from any Private Airlines.
Anonymous said…
LTC to visit Andaman and Nicobar island should also be extended on similar lines.
Anonymous said…
My interpretations to this order are as follows:
(a) Para (iv) clearly indicates that restrictions on traveling by AirIndia applies to other destinations.This means that to travel to J&K,one can travel by any airlines.Perhaps there could be one restriction: The fair should not exceed that of AirIndia.
(b) All Class-I officers up to Grade pay of Rs.8900 may travel by economy class (even in the highest fare bracket) from their place of work to any place in J&K.If they travel by private airline,the fare should be restricted to that of Air India.Hence the tour packages which were available before 4th December 2008 should now be available specially for J&K.
(c) All Class-I officers above Rs. 10000 Grade pay may travel by executive class from their place of work to any place in J&K.If they travel by private airline,the fare should be restricted to that of Air India.
A. K. Agarwal said…
Can an employee who has availed LTC visit to North East against conversion of one block of his/her Home Town LTC avail LTC visit to J & K against conversion of another block of home town LTC.
arvind_kumar said…
one time conversion of home town LTC into NES range is giving to only those who are working in the different head quarters. The persons working in the same head quarters should also be consider the conversion of hometown LTC into NER
Anonymous said…
indian airlines have a very limite service for Leh. Therefore a Govt employee is free to choose any air lines, whether kingfisher, jetairways and his claim be restricted to LTC80 fare. However to be on safer side, be sure that on that particular date indian airlines do not have service for Leh
Anonymous said…
can this is applicable for the staff of psu like bsnl and other govt psu please clarify so govt psu staff will aslo get the benift of the same which is given by govt of india
Anonymous said…
i have applied for change of home town.(which is permitted once in entire service) which is approved by govt psu. whether can i get the benifit of the j&k ltc by air from my nearest airport (where working) to j&K . i am working in executive cadre of govt psu like bsnl.
Unknown said…
As per the OM,the LTC is to visit JK by conversion of one home town LTC. Is it not applicable to those having ALL india - Anywhere in India-LTC during a block year of 4 years ?.
Similarly, air fare was admissible from duty station to all Group -B offiocers for visiting NE Region. However for this this LTC, it is limited to only those who are eligible for air travel as for tour and in the case of other Group-B officers, , the air fare is admitted only from Delhi or Amritsar .
Will you get these points clarified please !
surajkilali said…
Can any entitled Govt. servant avail private airline, other than Air India, when Air Inida flights are not available?
Anonymous said…
I am a defence officer.Keen to avial facility to Leh.NE facility was available to us. Is this one also applicable.I suppose so..
Unknown said…
Can an employee who has availed LTC visit to North East against conversion of one block of his/her Home Town LTC avail LTC visit to J & K against conversion of another block of home town LTC.
Anonymous said…
as per this order officers who are entitled to travel by air to LTC are not allowed to travel by private airliners.... I my office they are not allowing me to use that...
Unknown said…
An employee who has availed LTC visit to North East against conversion of one block 06-07 extended upto 2008 of his/her Home Town LTC. Can avail LTC visit to J & K against conversion of another block 08-09 extended upto 2010 of home town LTC.
Anonymous said…
Please relax the rule of eligiblity to travel by air from the working place.
Because in our department there are employees in B & C group drawing Rs.4800/- as gradepay. Other LTC rule depends the gradepay only.
As per the OM No. 31011/2/3003 Estt A-IV dated 18.06.10 in respect of LTC to visit JK by conversion of one home town LTC. Is it not applicable to those having all India-anywhere in India-LTC during a block year of 4 years.
Anonymous said…
sir, i am central govt. employee, i avaieling special J&K Ltc by traveling delhi -jammu by fly and from jammu with hireing tourist taxi from approved travel agent from JKTDC covered jammu-srinagar-drass-kargil-nubra vally-leh and finally leh delhi by fly, my request is can i get claim that i travel by road from jammu to leh if yes pl let us know the rules
sunil n. said…
Hi, I have travel on J&K and ladhak in may 2011, i started my journey from delhi-jammu by fly and from jammu i hired a tourist taxi from a JKTDC recognised travel agent to visit jammu-srinagar-drass-kargil-nubra-leh and finally i fly from leh-delhi, can i claim my road journey traveled from jammu to leh under J&K and Ladhak region LTC
Anonymous said…
pl clarify as to whether Group'B" non gazetted officer is entitled for air travel from kashmir to jammu. In case it is restricted please mention the entitlement
i have joined in december 2008.may i awail ltc conversion to any where india for year 2012
sanjoy ghosh said…
plz clirify whether a central govt. employee, who is now posted at Andaman & Nicober Islands, and leaving behind his family at Home town, and also entitled to visit Home town once in a year, can also visit Jammu & Kashmir by converting one block of Home town LTC.
sanjoy ghosh said…
plz clarify whether an employee who is posted at Andaman and leaving behind his family at his home town, and entitled for home town ltc once in a year, can visit J&K by converting one block of his Home town LTC.
Anonymous said…
I have availed LTC for NER in the block year 06-07 by converting one Home town LTC. Further I have also availed all India LTC in the block year 08-09.Now can I again convert another Home town LTC for the block year 10-11 to travel NER or J&K?
Mangovind said…
Whether booking of air ticket for Ltc to J&K from any IATA authorized agent is reimbursable? Whether Air fare is reimbursable if I travel from Delhi to Srinagar and fly back to Delhi via Jammu.
Anonymous said…
The LTC special Scheme to visit J&K is upto 17.06.2012. PLEASE CLARIFY whether I can perform onward journey before 17.06.2012 and RETURN JOURNEY AFTER 17.06.2012 SAY AROUND 23.06.2012 under the scheme ie., availing Air facility for return journey also ?????
Anonymous said…
I have joined in Central Government department in July 2007. Will I be entitled to avail LTC to hometown for 3 occasion in a block year and all India in the forth occasion (which is applicable for the first 2 blocks of 4 years after joining the government for the first time)?

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