Govt employees near retirement should not be disturbed: CAT

Govt employees near retirement should not be disturbed: CAT

New Delhi, Sep 5 (PTI) The Central Administrative Tribunal has held that government employees on the verge of superannuation should not be disturbed merely because they have stayed for a considerably long period at a particular place.

The apex tribunal said that such a benefit should be extended to superannuating employees to retire peacefully at a particular place after years of dedicated service.

"Merely because the applicants have a long stay and the transfer order could not be implemented so far would not by itself constitute sufficient reason.

"There is an objective based on considerations of welfare behind such provision in the transfer policy as it would enable a person about to retire after a long and devoted service to make arrangements for settling down thereafter with his family, acquire a house if not already done," Member N D Dayal said.

Source: PTI


Amol said…
Sir, were did i get the detail information of (Govt employees near retirement should not be disturbed: CAT) or what retirement period is applicable for this?? I am near abt to retirement(2.5years left), after working more than 25 year at same place. I got an transfer order to other location. So please suggest, did i applicable for this scheme?? email:-
scientist said…
What about the CPF to GPF option govt should give in scientific departments as in 1997 due to administrative problems many scientists were wrongly put in CPF,pl help us
Unknown said…
kindly send the CAT order to this mail
Anonymous said…
Sir, I have come on transfer in the present working place on 12.06.2012 anad working as Sr. Stenographer in Railway.Now I am near about to retirement w.e.f. 31.04.2019 (3.2 years left). Further, I got an transfer order to other location. Therefore please suggest whether I will be applicable for this scheme? Kindly send the CAT order to this email:

thanking you,

Unknown said…
Please provide the CAT order no and date so that I can download. I have been transferred in 31 Mar 17 while I am retiring on May 17. I need posting back

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