Child Care Leave - Clarification issued by DOPT

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi, the 24th September 2010

To The Chief Secretaries
All the States/ U7nion Territories

Subject:- Acceptance of Recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to introduction of Child Care Leave.

Sir/ Madam.
I am directed to enclose a copy of this Department's O.M. No.14028/4/2009-Estt. (L) dated 7th September, 2010 on the subject mentioned above and to intimate that it has been decided in this Department to implement the decision of the Government, contained in the aforesaid O.M., to the members of the All India Services mutatis-mutandis, pending amendment in the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955.

Yours faithfully,
(R K Gupta)
Under Secretary lo the Government of lndia


Unknown said…
Child Care Leave is not being exended to Industrial Women Employees as they say,it is only for those governed by CCS Leave Rule 1972.
Will this order be useful for granting them CCL.
Anonymous said…
Child care leave is given to all women employees who have single child as well as who have two children for two years. I have a clarification.
The government should get a rule as in the case of Professional tax (i.e. if a person has undergone sterlisation operation then only she can avail 2 years leave for a single child. Otherwise a employee who has two children can avail 4 years for two children please clarify with the government.
Anonymous said…
I am working for an autonomous body. All the facilities like DA, HRA, medical reimbursements have been implemented. But the organization is not willing to implement the CCL facility and similar ones, which are beneficial.

Can anyone please suggest, what to be done.

chitra said…
I was denied CCL by my officer despite rock bottom requests and also since my relievers who were posted to work in my place during my leave period did not report to my place, for fear of over work. As a result, my request for LWP also was rejected and I was marked absent for five and a half months. I remained absent since my daughter took ICSE board exams (X std) and as also I am single parenting. Though a Chief Typist filled my place during this perid, and given DRM award for filling my place, I was issued with SF-5 by the officer and given a penalty advice. What shall I do for this?
Anonymous said…
Why are you asking leave for long period at a stretch. Take leave in short spells. If you all do so, administration won't antagonized due to piling up of work and male colleagues won't grudge on additional burden.
My wife is working as SIFNS in CRPF under control of Central Govt. She has been appointed in year 2005 in then time Pay Scale of Rs.5500-9000. After implementation of 6th CPC 02 nos of loss are ensured. 1)She has been granted a Grade pay of Rs.4200. However, as I know the medical nursing staff working in pay scale of Rs.5500-9000(5th CPC) has been granted Grade pay of Rs.4600/- with minimum Basic of Rs. 17140/- 2)While she applied for a 6 month Child care leave, the office concerned refused to granting stating that the CCL can only be availed while there is no Earn Leave left in her leave account. However, Clear guide line has been issued from the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training, Govt of India. On showing this circular downloaded from the internet, office retorted that there is no such circular yet has been officially received from their HQs. Kindly suggest me what type of action my wife should take to acquire these rights given in 6the CPC.
Unknown said…
does child care leave be taken during probation period
Anonymous said…
Can we go out of station by availing CCL during vacation time of children,without availing LTC.
Anonymous said…
Is CCL applicable to defense officers?

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