Stepping up of pay of senior Assistants/PAs Central Secretariat Service (CSS)/Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service (CSSS)

No.7/7/08-CS.I (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-11003
Dated: 22nd December, 2010



Stepping up of pay of senior Assistants/ PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted prior to 01.01.2006 & Drawing less pay than assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted after 01.01.2006.

         A large number of references were received from various Ministries/Departments and service Associations regarding stepping up of pay of senior Assistants/PAs Central Secretariat Service (CSS)/Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service (CSSS) promoted prior to 01.01.2006 and drawing less pay than Assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted after 01.01.2006.

2.       The matter has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Finance. The Department of Expenditure vide UO No. 10/1/2009-IC dated 14.12.2009 (copy enclosed) had issued a clarification regarding manner in which pay of Assistants/PAs would be fixed consequent upon grant of revised pay structure of Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 in the pay band PB-2 to them on the basis of OM dated 16.11.2009.

3.       In this context, it is clarified that benefit of stepping up of pay as per Note 10 under Rule 7 of CCS(RP) Rules 2008 would be admissible to senior Assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted prior to 01.01.2006 and drawing less pay than Assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted after 01.01.2006.

4.       All Ministries/Departments may regulate stepping up cases of Assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS accordingly.

(K.Suresh Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Click here to view the attachment order...


Unknown said…
whether this benefit of fixation in the upgraded scale is available to all posts, if the promotion is after 1.1.06 and opted for 6th cpc pay from the date of promtion?
P. S. Bhatnagar said…
I have been working as an Assistant since March, 1991 in the Salt Commissioner's office, an attached office of Dept of IPP, M/o C & I. We are non-participating in the CSS cadre. I have been treated at par with my counterpart Assistants in CSS cadre by virtue of the CAT, Jaipur orders which was upheld by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India by dismissing the SLP by the Govt.i.e. Salt Commissioner, Jaipur. Accordingly, I was then granted pay scale of Rs. 1640-2900/- at par with the Assistants in CSS cadre. This pay scale of Rs. 1640-2900/- was given pay scale of Rs. 5500-9000/- in the fifth pay commission. I was drawing my pay in the payscale of Rs. 5500-9000/-till 6th pay commission, i.e. as on 1.1.2006. Now the DoPT attaching clarification of Dept of Expr. has issued an OM dated 22.12.2010 granting Grade pay of Rs. 4600/- to the Assistants in CSS cadre, stating that the assistants who were drawing pay in pre-revised pay scale of rs. 5500-9000/- as on 1.1.2006 will be granted Grade pay of rs. 4600/- as per the RPR, 2008. But in my case, I have been given Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- while fixing my pay under RPR, 2008. I have approached to the Salt Commissioner to grant me Grade pay of Rs. 4600/- with effect from 1.1.2006. Kindly enlighten me whether I am entitled to get grade pay of Rs. 4600/- w.e. f. from 1.1.2006, in term of the aforesaid OM dated 22-12-2010 of DoPT since I was very much drawing pay in the payscale of rs. 5500-9000/- as on 1.1.2006 and already been treated at par with my counter parts in the CSS cadre.

Sorry for the trouble,

P. S. Bhatnagar,
e-mail i.e.

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