Merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief - NFIR

Merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief - NFIR

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen

No.II/95/Pt. VI 
Dated: 20/02/2014
The General Secretaries of
Affiliated Unions of NFIR.

Sub: Merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief.

NFIR has been writing to the Government of India (including Prime Minister, Finance Minister etc) for merger of 50% DA with pay through its letters dated 10/01/2013, 05/08/2013, 27/09/2013. Also in its 27th National Convention held at Visakhapatnam from 10th  to 12th December, 2013, the Federation had passed a resolution demanding merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of interim relief to employees of Central Government including Railway employees.

NFIR feels happy to convey that the Central Government has conceded the demand of the employees raised by the Federation. 

Union Cabinet is likely to consider the issues to day for taking final decision. Federation will advise decision when taken by the Government. Federation expects that there may be Good News for all Central Government employees very soon.

Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

Source: NFIR

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