7th CPC Pay Scale is fast becoming the most mesmerizing phrase among Central Government employees these days. 

Every Central Govt Employee is waiting to find out the changes in their pay scale that the 7th CPC would recommend to the pay structure. Sensing this eagerness, Bloggers have been regularly coming up with their own versions of what the pay structure could be. Do not take those writings seriously sand authentically. 

Based on all the changes right from the 1st CPC, until the 6th CPC, we have predicted a pay structure. Even though we weren’t keen on it, we have been receiving requests by email and comments. At a point, it became unavoidable. We just had to give our own interpretation too. 

Since the basic pay of an ordinary employee has evolved from 260-950-3050-7730, the next change is expected to increase after the years, the basic pay hike by 2.5 times. Our Projected Pay Scale is expecting an increase of no more than 3 times. 

It could be 260-950-3050-7730-22500..! (260-1973, 950-1986, 3050-1996, 7730-2006 & 22500-2016)

More than the hike, everybody is hoping that the Grade Pay would be in proper series. 

And, everybody wants and hopes for a recommendation that prescribes a uniform Multiplication Factor (6th CPC 1.86) to all categories of employees. 

(2006 - 2015)
Pay Band Pay Bands Grade Pay Pay in the Pay Band Pay Scale Pay Band Grade Pay Pay in the Pay Band Pay Scale
PB-1 5200-20200 1800 5200 7000 15000-60000 5000 15000 20000
PB-1 5200-20200 1900 5830 7730 15000-60000 5500 17000 22500
PB-1 5200-20200 2000 6460 8460 15000-60000 6500 20000 26500
PB-1 5200-20200 2400 7510 9910 15000-60000 7500 23000 30500
PB-1 5200-20200 2800 8560 11360 15000-60000 8500 26000 34500
PB-2 9300-34800 4200 9300 13500 30000-100000 10000 30000 40000
PB-2 9300-34800 4600 12540 17140 30000-100000 13500 35000 48500
PB-2 9300-34800 4800 13350 18150 30000-100000 15000 40000 55000
PB-3 15600-39100 5400 15600 21000 50000-150000 16500 50000 66500
PB-3 15600-39100 6600 18750 25530 50000-150000 20000 60000 80000
PB-3 15600-39100 7600 21900 29500 50000-150000 23000 70000 93000
PB-4 37400-67000 8700 37400 46100 100000-200000 26000 100000 126000
PB-4 37400-67000 8900 40200 49100 100000-200000 27500 110000 137500
PB-4 37400-67000 10000 43000 53000 100000-200000 30000 120000 150000

Click to view our exclusive articles on 7th Pay Commission...




As regards grant of medical allowance of rs. 300/-p,m, which is not sufficient to meet the medical expenses at present to pensioners as complexity of health diseases and it requested that the same may please be increased to Rs. 2500 to Rs.3000/-p.m. where there is no CGHS facilities are not available
Anonymous said…
Please intimate that any relaxations for ACP & MACP for SC/ST Category Employees working in Central Government Hospitals. SC/ST Category Employees recruited during 1997 had got 1 MACP in 2007 and 2nd MACP in 2013 (2 MACPs in 16 years), whereas, General Category employees recruited in 1997 had got only 1st MACP from 2007 and second is due in 2017 only. Please post comments that any relaxations for SC/ST Category employees for considering them in ACP/MACP.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Do justice for the lower category also. Only higher personnel are benefited from the 6th Pay Comm.. Most of the higher category employee are getting lakh of rupees as their salary without doing nothing......some (not all) agricutural, fisheries scientist are swallowing the Govt. money without contributing anything to the nation.....their pay structure should be remain static...
jaggu said…
Instead of having 17 Public holidays we can have only.three public holidays i.e Independence Day, Republic Day and Mahatma Gandhi's birthday.The other 14 public holidays can be made Restricted Holidays. This way he Central Government Offices need not be closed down on public Holidays and productivity can be increased. Hospitals also can fnuction on these days causing less hardship to patients.
Anonymous said…
please stop this multiplication system. IV CPC better alternative.
Anonymous said…
Respected officers
Requesting to consider the persons who transferred On Compassionate Grounds to their Home stations, due to 6th CPC, no. of civilians transferred in lower grade (lower grade pay )there is no grade pay protection, so pls give benefits like grade pay protection
Anonymous said…
It is said that India is a developing country and going to become developed country. But if the income inequalities among the govt. employees remain the same during the 7th CPC also, India will never be become developed country. Please keeping the vested interests of some elite group aside try to reduce income inequality. A govt. doctor gets NPA more than a pay of a clerk.Please do justice towards humanity and people of lesser God.
Ranbir Singh
Anonymous said…
parents who are not dependent on the employee shall be given benefit of CHSS/CGHS medical scheme, may be with extra salary cutting of employee as their pension is not sufficient to meet medical expenses
manjushaashok said…
Please ask for tax rebates on allowances, scholorship for college going wards.commutation factors needs to be adjusted and restoration of
Since D.A enhanced already 100% as on 1-1-2014 it is better to merge D.A with Basic Pay as on 1.1.2014 and continuing grade pay with 15-20% hike and basic may be fixed accordingly. However pay commission may be effected either from 1.1.2014 if not 1.1.2015 which is more justified as most of the pay revision in other sector will taken up after 8 years.
Anonymous said…
Sir What is difference between CPU and Central Government both are under Central Ministry, then why this defference in Pay and other
Anonymous said…
I have newly appointed as a fresh candidate in Helper-II post.Now I work in my branch office.My work load is same as a Clerk here.So why we have to wait 10 years for a promotion???Nobody knows that after how many years the internal exam will be done.So I request that there should be arrange internal exam in every year so that like me other qualified employees can build up there future in Indian Railways.
Anonymous said…
sir why person of higher ranks are getting salary in lacs and lower rank are in thosands only. specialy in defence. Ranks can be given on the basis of qualification but body require same amenenities whether person is of higher rank or of lower. even ration is being given on the basis of rank. is it fare...? please do justice in this case because it can hamper working efficiency of soldier..because family of persons are same. they all need good facility..there are many other dicremity among ranks which should be demolished or minimsed. because pay commission is for everyone but last time it seemed to be of higher ranks
Anonymous said…
There should be change in the pay structure between and officers and soldiers.they are getting payment in lacs for doing signatures in AC offices and soldier getting payment in thousands for guarding border and doing all physical and office work. Defence wants other country's equipment but not adopt the rules and regularizations and pay deferences.
Unknown said…
Pensioners are suffering most as they get only Rs. 300 pm as medical allowance for himself, spouse and dependent family members who are not covered under CGHS facility. Such Pensioners either should be allowed reimbursement of medical expenses under CS(MA) Rules as a social justice for their fag end of their life . Alternatively they should be given (i) Rs 2500 pm as medical allowance or (ii) they should allowed cashless medical facility from the designated hospitals. Yours faithfully, D P SHAW, SO(Retired),DRAT, Kolkata, Ministry of Finance.
Anonymous said…
pls dont increase payment by multiplication factor but increase by addition factor, otherwise payment gap will increase, which will result into inferiority complex and can affect productivity. so pls consider.
Unknown said…
sir, We are some marine staff in under customs preventive. But nobody can considire our problem.
Anonymous said…
Introduce additional increments for higher qualification acquired government servants.Personal pay for family planning should be uniform to all category,now it is eleven slabs.
Anonymous said…
Anonimous said
I was going through the pay scales expected to recommend by VIIth pay commission.For higher ranks it is excellent! But why this descremination to PB 1? 20000 is too less an amount today to fulfil both end needs of a family.You should make it 40000.Accordinly,the scales can be adjusted with min margin to bring it to a reasonable amount for survival as the next pay commission will come only after 12 years!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Please ask govt. to include GDS(GrameendakSevak) of Postal Department into 7th Pay commission.
Anonymous said…
As per the above calculations expected VII CPC pay scale there is nothing increase in the gross salary just they are merging the DA in the basic only.After DA merging in the basic 25-35% hike in the basic is needed..
Anonymous said…
The anomaly of creating a separate pay band for Lt Col and equivalent in the armed forces must be removed ..... it creates a functional liability as they neither here nor there .... and are not comparable with any standard civilian grade though working together many times within the organization.
Anonymous said…
sir please introduce overtime money for extra hours made to work in defense especially (a class called MNS officers Approx around 14 hrs during night duty)compelled by the working conditions and the demanding situation
Anonymous said…

Please consider the scales of IT Professionals at par with the scales of Information Ministry or NIC. At least some parity should be there.
Sai venkat said…
the lower crade employees not getting satisfaction by work load, the upper level using the lower level employees thoughts as their thougts. this is not fair. As the qualification the pay commission has to be developed. the upper level some employees with out any knowledge getting more salaries.this has to be rectified. the talent to be encouraged, then only the india will be in fast developing country.
Anonymous said…
Pensioners should be considered sympathetically. The regular govt employee gets DA/DR on the basis of price index and 3% annual increment, but pensioners are restricted to DA/DR that too on the basis of basic pension which is quite inadequate in the present scenario. Some way out should be there to enhance either the basic pension every year or same should be enhanced on other relevant method enabling pensioners to enjoy remaining life at par with the serving personnel.
Anonymous said…
I request HRD minister & officials and experts of 7th pay commission committee to give Equal Allowance for travel,food, accommodation all categories of employees for attending and presenting a paper at national, international conference, seminar to other country and other cities in india.
Prem Shankar said…
Dear Policymakers! when pay is decided on Ranks; Basic and GP differs & its justifiable too, but special allowances differ when all does same thing like MSP and Ration allowance in Defence, FPA etc. please nullify these irregularities in upcoming 7th CPC : Prem Shankar,Ex- Indian Navy senior sailor Electrical
rajkumar said…
group-1 emplyees central government of india very poor payment please changes the pay scale and grade pay.
lal sahib said…
छठे वेतन आयोग मे तकनीकी क्रमचारियों का वेतनमान बहुत कम दिया गया था संबंधित अधिकारियों से निवेदन है कि सातवे वेतन आयोग मे उन हितो पर ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए
Anonymous said…
Sir, there is 30% HRA from metor city and rest is 20% & 10%. why this differentiation? if that differentiation goes on than how could the employees goes to the backward areas? please remove this desparity and make it same to the all employees.
Anonymous said…
I would like 7 CPC to visit Assam Rifles in Manipur to know the hardship of troops of Assam Rifles since they born in the force
Anonymous said…
please reconsider the pay scales of MNS officers of DEFENSE-the workload-responsibilities-working condition-promotion system-and the perks paid=the discrimination faced from the 5th pay commission onwards
Anonymous said…
Payscale should not be the same with UDC & steno gr.III, as such both the nature of work are different. Whereas stenos job carry responsibility work and payscale should be more than that of UDC
Anonymous said…
Dear Sir,

I joined in my servie on february 1997 and i got my 1st MACP in 2008 only, that means after completion of 11 year. then i got clarified from my office that, since the order came 2008, it will be applicable from 2008 only like this. is it correct. I dont know. please advice me in this regard
Unknown said…
Sir, please initiate the pension system for Para-Military Force personnel like the Armed forces. Para-Military personnels like BSF, CISF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB are performing duties like the armed forces of India. So what is the reason for this unlikeness?
I request HRD minister & officials and experts of 7th pay commission committee to give Equal Allowance for travel,food, accommodation all categories of employees for attending and presenting a paper at national, international conference, seminar to other country and other cities in india.
Anonymous said…
I request HRD minister & officials and experts of 7th pay commission committee to instruct strictly to all state governments to implement the pay structure within a specific period may be it 6 months or one year but should me committed.
Anonymous said…
Very good
Anonymous said…
I read that 7th Pay Commission met the representatives of various organisations, but all the para military forces were represented by their respective DGs, who knows nothing about the forces and least concerned about the true welfare of the forces let alone taking their case forward. So plz met the officers n jawans at the field and know their hardships. My jawans are currently working on an average 15-16 hrs 24×7, but what they get in return? Less said is well said.
Doss said…

Postal assistants Grade pay is only 2400/- But In tamilnadu junior assistants got 2400/- and the Assistants are getting 2800/- State Government gives more Pay than Central government. If this Pay structure implemented, It will create more and more gap between heavy work lower cadres and light work higher cadres. So Pay commission should support to the lower cadres. It should reduce the Pay Gap between the Pay bands....Multiplication factor is wrong. Grade pay Gap should be the same, like today. Then only the operative side will be satisfied.
Anonymous said…
Pay of lab.technicians in six pay commission was very discoursing kindly consider in 7th pay commission
Unknown said…
I B.Santosh kumar im physically challenged person (Ortho) have appointed in ministry of defence militiary engineering services department as a industrial person on Feb 2013 now im in probation period for 2years
im getting so much problem in travelling to office from my home nearly 1oo kms daily near by our home there is same dep but different station so i likely wanted to get posted for their is it possible plz give me suggestion and do the needful .
Anonymous said…
Sir,its very true
kumar saheb said…
Whether medical allowance has been raised for pensioners who do not reside within cghs
Unknown said…
I have to say that a Central Govt Gazetted officer drawing GP 4800 for more than 4 years is getting GP 5400 as per VI CPC but some ASPOs in DOP are not gettin GP of 5400. They must get GP of 5400. his is injustice against them.
Goutam said…
In DGQA, Min of Defence following at per with OFB. But in OFB there is GP of 4200, 5400.....no GP of 4800 where as in DGQA there is 4200, 4800, 5400 ....from 6th CPC discussion is going on....going on.......on....on....In India this type of discrepancy should not be. Pl look into the matter
GDM said…
Discrepancies of GP between OFB and DGQA (existing of GP 4800)should be removed which is long pending issue from 6th CPC
Anonymous said…
There are huge differences between GP-7600 and 8700. The pay-band of GP- 7600 is Rs-15600 whereas the pay band of GP-8700 is 37400,this is more than 2.5 times higher. This is truly injustice and represent the symbol of 'Raja' and 'Praj' .Earlier there was difference of only Rs-2300(12000 and 14300). This facts must be considered and rationalized by the 7th pay commission.
Anonymous said…
Sir in Public sector banks the employee clerk-cum-casier(pay & acount)getting salary less than constable paid in this country.pl look into the matter. even after
9 th bipertite their salary will not be equql to the salary of constable.
Anonymous said…
The idea of one increment on one day is not good as people joining in the month of January to march are getting their first increment after 12 to 15 months whereas people joining in the month of oct to dec are getting first increment after only 6 to 8 months . Why is it so? Will it continue in 7th pay commission? Think about it please.
Anonymous said…
5th Pay commission on wards pay scales are absolutely in justified forms duly ignoring the technical qualification and job nature. Each time goes fast track anomalies and arbitratory committee but so far not granted the justified pay scale according to the technical qualification and work nature I hope at least in this pay commission we will get correct and justified pay scale and also I pray oru ancestor god danvantra to give the correct scales to PHARMACST category
m.muralidhar air dharwad said…
noway days health and education expenditures are very high.so govt has to concentrate to give the more benifit to the employees and pensioners in this regard.minimum for central govt employees the medical allowances should be rs.1200 and for pensioners it should be rs.2400. if it crosses more than this reciepts etc. documents may be produced .in this cases there should not be any limit.and also rules should be very much liberalised and very much easy to get it back.what i experienceced in the present situation is, even govt has made the rules to get the reimbursement easily, but the administrative people are unnecessarily creating lot of problems in this process.this has to be stopped.the reimbursement of medical expenditure process should be very easy and liberal.
Anonymous said…
why can,t we have more leave accumulation by personnel and why cant we take up case for enhancing encashment to every year instead 6 in lifetime
Anonymous said…
6th pay commission has done what Britishers had done with the employee of the Indian origin. It has created different class of employees. Someone is getting entry pay because he is a direct recruited but other is getting only grade pay and 3% of increment added to his old pay. So a huge gap formed which increases every year. And government's policy does not recognize is as pay anomaly.What a joke?
Anonymous said…
Increase in 7th Pay Commission increment of sterilization operation increment amount. Also, provide one or two increments those who all are participating in veterun category 21/42 km Marathon, National Level sports getting Gold Silver, Bronze Medals can be given increments
Anonymous said…
Please pay one increment in 7th pay commission those who have passed Hindi Stenography and Typing test till their retirement.
Anonymous said…
Those who are not taking LTC once in four year pay them in their payment ...Medical Allowance may be given monthly in pay .....
Anonymous said…
Please give additional benefit to stenographer/personal assistant cadre in comparison to LDC/UDC.Stenographer may be given grade pay of 2800 at entry level with promotion to 4600 at Personal Assistant level and 4800/5400 for Private Secretary level

Anonymous said…
Sir, please think about the Data Processing Assistants who do not have any promotional avenues in the service. After every 5 years of service a person should be entitled for one MACP. This will boost the work culture and they will not feel deprived.
Anonymous said…

Now-a-days the IT professionals are bound to do more jobs due to the implementation of e-governance in got. job. So, cadre structure may be made for the IT professionals in govt. job.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
every pay commission gives maximum butter to class A officers, and grade pay in 6th pay commission created differentiation in the same designated groups.this made senior people to suffer with great loss and injustice.i do not have hopes the 7th pay commission will do the justice for the employees who really suffered from the 6th p.c.
Unknown said…
it is very unfair in distribution of salary in higher grade & lower grade when in most cases they have to go through same process of life, they have same kind of burden.After all the hike process of DA is not correct ,when market price raised this effects lower level & higher also but all get the DA in % .So the higher grade when get rs 2500 or more the lower grade gets rs 500 or less for same level of hike in WPI(whole sale price index).In this way they also face multiple ratio of salary discrimination in between two pay commission.
Anonymous said…
I am working in a university in delhi on the post of Lab Assistant Gr-1 and according to the RR's, I am eligible for the next post of Technical Assistant from the last two years. Despite repeated reminders no one is interested in doing our work of promotion. The promotion posts of Technical Assistant is also vacant. It is an autonomous university. please guide us what we can do. Thanks
gg said…
Sir, LDC&UDC issue must be considered as their pay scales were very low....a primary school teacher is in 4200 GP with inter 2 yrs Ded . where as an LDC is only in 1900 GP with inter one year technical qualification.... this must be changed....
gg said…
sir.... increase pay scales of All Group C employees at high rates....
Anonymous said…
A great shock for the Railway employees from the railway board, Tatkal Reservation will not be available on Pass-PTOs

Anonymous said…
See the difference in Salary of Employee in lowest scale and in highest Scale. it is increasing with pay commissions and no union is raising these topics. "Hard Working employee is getting lesser pay and Babu sitting n sleeping in AC room is drawing hefty sum.
Unknown said…
thanks for sharing the article

Anonymous said…
Are dependant In Laws of female govt employee entitled for awailing LTC benefits. if not they should be included and instructions issued in black and white.
CG employees living in their home twon should also be extended home town ltc announced for J&K and north east or any other state announced from time to time.
Durga Prasad Shaw said…
I am a retired Central Government Group B Officer(Gazetted) Section Officer from the Ministry of Finance (Department of Financial Services), Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal, Kolkata. I would like tosubmit before the competent Authority of 7th CPC, Mininstry of Finance(Deptt. of Expenditure) and DOPT and also the National Council of JCM that Central Government Group B Gazetted officer in the Non Secretariat Organisation were denied equal pay band and Grade Pay baring some organisation reason best known to the Government ofIndia. This anomaly must be removed by Central 7th Pay Commission now, giving justice to Group B Gazetted Officer in the Field Offices(Non Secretariat) because government have no right to treat Non Secretariat Offices , inferior to Secretariat Offices. Now justice should not be denied and All Gazetted Section Officers in Non Secretariat offices may kindly be treated as equal to the Secretariat Section Officers and given same pay scale and grade pay .
Anonymous said…
The child care leave to ONLY feamle employees is very unfair & discreminationary . It is amounting to 4 years of paid holidays to them. CCL should be applicable to the male employees also. Why this dicremination, dont male employees have any responsibilities to their children. This is just a political stunt which has made it difficult to run govt office if female employee number is considerable.
A K SIngh said…
Respected Sir,
Ranks have been formed and pay scales have been proposed respectively. Nature of duties and individual's talent have never been taken into consideration while framing these pay scales. Im working as a JE in central govt. department and im so much overloaded that i work for more than 12 hrs a day but this grade pay 4200/- is not enough to fulfill my needs. I have to travel extensively and thousands of rupees/month are spent in it, but there is no provision for incentive. After 10 yrs of service additional increment of 400/- i.e 4600/- and after another decade an additional increment of 200/- i.e 4800/-. This is not at all justified.
Anonymous said…
most important issues which should be considered during the 7th pay commission are:-
1.To get macp for every 8 years service.
2.Cashless card for all retired central Government employees to get the medical facilities in Central government authorized hospitals including OPD and medicines distribution
Anonymous said…
Anthony,Dear chairman of the 7cpc, please consider the Gr-c employees they are hard working class,see their pay and their living status in the A-1 cities,like bangalore,very small houses with big rentals,also See the difference in Salary of Employee in lowest scale and in highest Scale. it is increasing with pay commissions and no union is raising these topics. "Hard Working employee is getting lesser pay and Babu sitting n sleeping in AC room is drawing hefty sum.
Unknown said…
nice article thanks for sharing useful one.

Anonymous said…
WHy govt is not seeking to have two saturdays off for postal employees so that they can contribute to their social life n no union is raising such demand..???
Anonymous said…
The gap between upper class and lower class should be reduced . It should be either in privileges or monetary but not both.and this babu culture should be checked. .

The officer in defence is NEXT TO GOD for all personnel below officer rank .u may not even able to think type of humiliation of PBOR by commissioned officers who r paid bulk amount at just a qualification of 10+2.
Maharshi Gupta said…
Dear Sir,
There is a huge anomaly in clerical cadre, which I hope could draw kind attention of policy makers in 7th CPC. A LDC joins the service on 1900/- grade pay and becomes UDC on 2400/- grade pay after a long wait of 10-12 years and again a long wait of 13-14 years to become Assistant. Ain't it injustice to a backbone cadre of all the ministries? Do they work lesser or they have got any engraved curse?
It is pertinent to strengthen this cadre and hence upgradation of pay bands i.e. LDC at least 2400/- grade pay and UDC at 4200/- alike CBDT and regularization of promotion period might be brought on the grounds.
Anonymous said…

In defence, after 15 years completeing his service anybody is free to leave his service without any reason.
Anonymous said…
In Metallurgical Organization of Railway Some Laboratory Attendant are depriving from Promotional benefits as their promotion has been blocked enforcing a education bar upon the post. It have been looking that so many lower graded post merging with the upper grades but Laboratory Attendants of the said organization Only depriving from this benefit... Please have a kind and effective look on it.
Unknown said…
Medical allowance @ Rs. 300/- per month is simply too small amount for the pensioners. It may kindly be hiked to at least Rs. 2500/- p.m.
amit kumar said…
Now & again a great injustice with Lower Divisional Cleark(LDC) since 1996
Anonymous said…
Respected Sir,

Group D employees are in very condition finacially. A Group D employee gets his/her promotion to the next post after 10 years and even after that his increment is Rs 100 /- . Considering the market scenario how will they run with this limited income. Even if he dreams to make a house of his/her own , then also it is difficult for him /her to achieve it in reality .

I shall be highly obliged if you kindly look in it in the forthcoming &th Pay commission.
Anonymous said…
This is my humble request to maintain the standard of Technical Supervisors.In 6th pay commission, degraded the technical supervisors. One nurse is getting the 4600 GP where as JE is getting 4200 GP only and Sr Nurse is getting 5400 GP where as SSE is getting 4600 GP only. Is this justified. What is the use to go in Technical line. Kindly save the technical field by upgrading the standard of Technical Supervisor and fix the suitable grade pay in 7th pay commission. Please do not degrade the Technical Supervisors.
Anonymous said…
Save the Technical supervisor by giving justified GP in 7th pay commission.
Dont degrade the Technical field. Nurse are getting more than the SSE.
Anonymous said…
Look at the pay structure, you'll find that the pay scale of those in PB-1 is still lesser than the grade pay of those in PB-3. This is what I called pay discrimination. This is the reason for economic and social inequality.
The difference of pay between PB-1, PB-2 & PB-3 is too large. This is not just.
Anonymous said…
The 7th pay commission is of the view to dispense with the Pay Band and Grade Pay system and resort to previous Pay system
Mukesh said…

I am requesting please any body help me .

1. Let me explain my example comparing new entrant. I have appointed as a constable on 20-01-2002. My basic on 01-01-2006 – 6240 + 2000 (As per 1.86 factors), while the new recruit being appointed with – 6460 + 2000 (As per recommendation of 6th CPC) Why the anomaly is there? Am i eligible for getting increment on 01.07.2006 ?

2. After fixation of pay on july 2006 no any granted increment to me.
Is that correct?

I requested my help in resolving problems related to remuneration.

Thanking You Sir.

Mukesh Kumar
BSF, New Delhi
Mob: 9013717376
Email : mkumar1582@gmail.com
Anonymous said…
why the income tax is decuted on the child education fee when we have aleady paid the fee and we are getting only the reimbursement.
Unknown said…
mukesh sir

the problem u r facing is common for all central government employees of lower ranks.... similar cases have been solved in railways but not in uniform services as the superiors are not interested..... i suggest you to go to court or some news channel so that the issue is open to all.....only then we can get justice...
Unknown said…
Respected 7th Pay Commission,

I would like to suggest the following:
1) Erstwhile Gr.'D' GP should be raised to Rs. 2000/- from Rs. 1800/- duly removing the GP of Rs. 1800/- and 1900/- in the starting and middle.
2) LDC / Tech. III should be raised to Rs. 2400/- from 1900/- duly removing GP of Rs. 1900/- starting GP and Rs. 2000/- in the next GP of Rs. 2000/-.
3) UDC GP Rs. 2800/- should be merged with Rs. 4200/- duly removing GP of Rs. 2800/-.
4) Assistants / Office Superintendents designation to be changed as Office Manager with starting GP of Rs. 4800/- and
5)after promotion, Sr.Officer Manager with starting GP of Rs. 5400/- by creating a new GP in Gr.'C' Cadre, and it is requested to remove GP Rs. 4600/- permanently for all posts.
R.U.Bhaskar, Visakhapatnam.
Anonymous said…
There should be a transparent transfer policy in Government of India especially in those offices which have branches all over India. Pick and choose, the present policy should be discontinued. Thanks to DoPT which has made promotion norms otherwise HODs could have promoted officials on pick and choose basis. On the promomotion lines this transfer policy should be framed. If a person is getting equal salary why should not he/she should be transferred.
Unknown said…
छठे वेतन आयोग मे तकनीकी क्रमचारियों का वेतनमान बहुत कम दिया गया था संबंधित अधिकारियों से निवेदन है कि सातवे वेतन आयोग मे उन हितो पर ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए
Anonymous said…
parents who are not dependent on the employee shall be given benefit of CHSS/CGHS medical scheme, may be with extra salary cutting of employee as their pension is not sufficient to meet medical expenses
Anonymous said…
The pensioners are put as the lowest priority by pay commissions. 7th CPC should consider the following for reducing the hardships of Central Govt pensioners:
1.Exempt pension from income tax.
2.Bring pension of earlier pensioners at par with 50% of the pension of the post/grade from which he/she retired.
3.Give cashless benefit of treatment to pensioners for OPD as well as in patients in all private and Govt hospitals.
4.Pension should be the last pay drawn at the time of retirement and not 50% as at present.
Anonymous said…
All allowances should be equal for all PBs.. difference in pay should be less between PB 1 to PB4.. or difference between PB 1 and PB 4 should be maximum within or equal to times..
Anonymous said…
It is requested to take a view on the employees working in North East Region. They are not being transferred even after completion of 10 years of service,,,It is very difficult to survive with less facility... Kindly make some liberal transfer policy specially posted in NE region....... under Rule 38 or otherwise...
Dipak Choudhury said…
The problems relating to Medical Facilities of Central Govt. Employees remain unsolved atleast for those who do not come under CGHS. 6th CPC recommendation for Health Insurance could not be finalised either. It is, therefore, requested to look into the matter and come with an amicable solution. The viable solution would be to include all the Central Govt. Employees under one umbrela with equal facilities.
Anonymous said…
Dear Sir,

I am joining as a trainee technician in 2014 and training period is (2014-17), am I eligible for 7th CPC or not? and one more thing Pensioners is eligible for 7th CPC?
Unknown said…
See the differences of Pay Scale lower grade to Higher grade
Rs.20,000/- for lower grade and Rs.1,50,000/- for higher grade
Difference= Rs.1,30,000/-
Anonymous said…
The Pay Commission must address the plight of pensioners as their pension is calculated by applying formula of multiplication with their existing pension which is calculated by reducing their pension by 50% of their last pay drawn. So the multiplication is also at reduced rate.This pension is already meager and its revised pension also remains meager. As there is no medical security for senior citizens they have to spend large sums for medical treatment which eats major portion of their pension. The following is suggested in this regard: 1. The pension should be upgraded at par with the maximum of the pay of the grade from which they were retired. 2. Pension should be exempt from income tax. 3. Family pension should be at par with pension of the pensioner. 4. Medical treatment should be cashless for pensioners in all Govt and private hospitals without any ceiling of upper limit.
Supriyo Bose said…
Please look after the post of "Trainers". This post deserves much higher pay scale than present since the "Trainers" are giving training to different categories of staffs including cadres getting more grade pay than themselves.As the present Govt. emphasized upon training to all kind of Govt. staffs hence to get better service and to motivate this cadre, 7th Pay Commission should look after the post of "Trainers" in all Govt. organisations.
LD said…
We should work hard during school, college and thereafter. It's too late now. Don't ask for parity with higher ranks now.
LD said…
Why don't you try to become an officer instead of studying hard and joining as PBOR? That's your true capability not the academic grade!
Anonymous said…
Is is justify that a peon is getting Rs. 1800 G.P. and a LDC Getting 1900. Merely 100 Rs. Gap. Is their Qualification and work load is same. So is requested that LDC G.P. Should be Minimum 2800.
I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts
Unknown said…
Safaiwala employees par dhyan dena bahut important he. Because the safaiwla's is work very hard. So please attention ..
bright said…
Respected Sir, may i request you to provide data which mentioned in 6th CPC pay structure in column "Pay in the Pay Band " which is mentioned above of the post EXPECTED PAY STRUCTURE OF 7TH CPC. please provide the detail and letter where the structure is mentioned. Thanks
Unknown said…
Sir What is difference between CPU and Central Government both are under Central Ministry, then why this defference in Pay and other
latest govt jobs
Anonymous said…
The people who do not work at all are more cautious about productivity.... It should be a option for volunteers like you to avail only three days closed holidays in a year as you proposed.
Unknown said…
The present medical allowance of Rs.300 is hardly sufficient to
meet medical expenses of retired employees. Consultation fee itself is Rs.500 for every visit. It should be increased to Rs.2500 or atleast Rs.2000 p.m. in view of the increase in the consultation fees and cost of medicines. 7th Pay Commission should make a recommendation to this effect.

B Ramakrishna
Anonymous said…
Sir, there is 30% HRA from metor city and rest is 20% & 10%. why this differentiation? if that differentiation goes on than how could the employees goes to the backward areas? please remove this disparity and make it same to the all employees.
Unknown said…
The pensioners are put as the lowest priority by pay commissions. 7th CPC should consider the following for reducing the hardships of Central Govt pensioners:
1.Exempt pension from income tax.
2.Bring pension of earlier pensioners at par with 50% of the pension of the post/grade from which he/she retired.
3.Give cashless benefit of treatment to pensioners for OPD as well as in patients in all private and Govt hospitals.
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GS Ravindra said…
Dear Sir,

My humble submission is to grant an increment for those retiring/superannuation on 30th June
of every year. An employee has worked for the whole year and just because he is superannuating
on 30th June and not present on 1st July, he is denied of his increment and makes lot of difference
in his retiring benefits.

Thus once again it is humbly requested to take-up the issue with appropriate agency and grant an
increment before superannuation pl.

raja said…
Sir can u tell me about current minimum grade pay of ITI electrician, fitter and machinist in a government organization industry
Hira said…
dear members of 7th CPC are requested
Before finalization of 7th cpc all the blunder anomalies of 6th should be removed. eg
the GP of scale 5000 is 4200 OK
the GP of 3050 is 1900 NOT OK Shall be > 2400

the GP of 4000 is 2400 NOT OK Shall be > 3200

the GP of 7450 is 4600 NOT OK Shall be > 5400

And in MACP in 10 20 30 in the case of JE/AE of CPWD DDA MES DUSIB & others govt depts
is 4200 -4600-4800-5400 is it OK? to be needs great attentions &shall be 4200-4600/5400 -6600 -7600 pl do justice for all

from Hira Nand
successful service is .> 30 years
Wiki said…
Thanks for a very interesting blog.
Anonymous said…
There is a 5400 grade pay in accounts cadre in PB-2. What about corresponding scale for Grade pay 5400 in PB 2.
Unknown said…
Your site is very nice for latest news

Government Jobs
Anonymous said…
amazing......its very useful
Ravi Sahu said…
great posts i found and impress with your good brain writting Ravi , jobs
Anonymous said…
The working conditions and nature of duties of BSF Jawan and Army jawan are same why huge difference in wellfare and facilities between two. Please reconcile and merge BSF into military force. Infact BSF eork is more hard than Army jawans posted except J&K
Unknown said…
Tell me expected multiplying factor of 7th CPC revision
Unknown said…
Well pay in 6cpc was raised by 3 times more or less for everybody. Just see basic pay of 5 cpc and see in 6cpc. Pay band plus grade pay and MSP added is your basic pay. Higher income slabs upto 34 percent as income tax so pay in higher slabs is not that high and their 3 times pay works out to be 2.7 times where lower slab pay no INCOME TAX and actual increase is 3 times.
Unknown said…
It's recommendation only
Pay scale for PB1 can start at 26000 plus MSP of 6000 so can be 32000 instead of 7000 over 4 times. Let 7cpc come and then see whether it meets your requirement. Yes 20000 is too little but 40000 to be given to start at entry level seems asking too much from 7000 to 40000 is difficult. Let's see.
Unknown said…
Well role of these forces are defined. Only in defensive role and no offensive role. You don't fight in enemy territory and you are not trained for that. In defensive role which is clearly defined don't want to write here. Smuggling still is on and infiltration too is on from across borders. Yeah some more perks are required but don't compare yourself like ARMY. hope some demands are agreed too and higher pay scales are given as u people too deserve pay hike.
Unknown said…
I just don't know why some of other ranks are against officers rank. You too have joined as officer but capabilities are limited. I never had any differences in my career and all jawans loved not only me but entire Regt worked as family. Some disgruntled enter elements like you only spoil relations. No wonder u r not in Officer category as u have neither have aptitude nor attitude. No officer thinks his jawan as servant and will never think. So pls be careful what you write and don't make some people think your way. Pay system has been made as per calibre and there is lot of difference between a jawan and officer. You still have option to seek entry through ACC ENTRY if you think u have capabilities of becoming Gud officer which I doubt by your thinking and attitude towards life.
Unknown said…
Acchha kaam karo aur PB1 se pb2 aur pb3 mein AA jao. Ab begaar kaam ke entry level par hav or jco ki pay chaiye to ye to ho nahi sakta. Unki pay homes ha jawan se upar rahegi. Mehmet karo aapki bhi WOH rank milega.
Unknown said…
Lower grade starts with day of entry in service higher grade has over 30 years of service. Question is also of qualification and psychology. All post graduates can not become officers. Aptitude is required which very few has got. Every six months ups exams are conducted and over 100000 1lakh applicants are there to get entry as officers and only 200 to 250 become. It's not easy to become and get officer rank easily. Aptitude is required. So stop comparing pay bands but try to become an officer and get pay if u can become. All the best. Try your luck.
Unknown said…
In metres rental cost is high. Smaller towns rent is less. HRA is to compensate rent according to rates in the city and is allowance not to be treated as income. Why write such questions if u don't know and of the thing showing your stupidity of understanding which seems NIL.
Unknown said…
The grade pay of Group(D) i.e. Rs.1800/- is merged with Group (C) i.e. Rs.1900/- But the work of the LDC is not distributed to them. This is the clear indication that the Govt. wants to degrade the LDC/UDC's in subordinate offices. Now the parity should be rectified in 7th CPC and make the LDC/UDC's happy by way of removing Gradepays Rs.2000/- & Rs.2800/-.
Mit said…
As always, Lower cadre have to suffer, In this proposed Pay structure GP 1800,1900 & 2000 who are Lower cadre will get less then multiply of 3 for their basic pay. All of other Higher cadre get more then basic x 3.
Its rule in India that always lower cast, lower cadre have to suffer and all other Powered man have never worries about them..

This is my Shining INDIA,
Anonymous said…
sir, it will be more appropriate if central government employees retire at the age of 55 years and they should be given an option for re-employment on contractual basis upto 60 years of age so that new generation get jobs and unemployment problem get resolved at some extent. There will be no financial implication on employment as contractual basis to the sr employees because they will also get the pensionery benefit in addition to contract amount as fixed. New generation are eagerly waiting for job opportunity in central government job. Please give wider publicity at all minstry level this will definately help and dramatic change in the life style of each individual. This should be stastically and logically correct. All of us think seriously for new generation
Unknown said…
sir why person of higher ranks are getting salary in lacs and lower rank are in thosands only. specialy in defence.
Unknown said…
it is not fair that higher's salary is so high than lower so i request to u plz reduce gaps of its
Unknown said…
plz balance pay structures
Anonymous said…
sir please give attension upon library staff, who is professional staff but some of university including BHU categorized them in technical staff and gives following grade pay:
Library assistant Semi professional Asstt. Professional Asstt.
2000 2800 4200
While it started in another institute or university as following:
Library assistant Semi professional Asstt. Professional Asstt.
2400 4200 4600
Please remove the disparity and maintain the dignity of Professional courses.
Vandana Agnihotri
Central Library, BHU.
Anonymous said…
Why this type of difference in payment of salary for officiers and soldiers. The salary payment for soldiers must be increased.

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