Service Records of Central Government employees to be examined annually

Service Records of Central Government employees to be examined annually

“Service Book is a record of every event occurring in the official life of a government servant. It has to be maintained for every government servant holding a permanent or a temporary post except for those who are not likely to be in service for more than one year or those holding non pensionable service.”

The nodal department of Central Government, Dopt has issued orders to all the departments to examine the employee’s service records each year in order to avoid delays in sanctioning the pensions on 30th September 2015.

More than 50 lakhs employees work in various departments of the Central Government. Pensions are delayed at the time of their retirement, due to administrative blunders and mix-ups. In order to avoid this, Service Book will be updated each year.

The main intention of the order is eliminating delays in processing of cases of retiring Government Servants. Rules and instructions of this department are reiterated time to time. The department of pensions and pensioners welfare have also suggested that the administrative authorities, to preclude and to cut down on delays in payment of retrial benefits to Government servants retiring of superannuation.

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Anonymous said…
The Service records are normally closed on the date following that of Retirement.After a long gap,the entry regarding !!! Aadhaar Number!!! in closed accounts,will be causing more worries to the old aged people.This view is because all the service records may not be at one place, which will be giving to genuine Jurisdiction issues.The requirement of additional information now required to be incorporated may be made applicable to serving people and not to retired/retiring government officials.This portion needs to be reexamined by the Seventh pay Panel before submitting the report.

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