7th Pay commission Basic Pay calculation with simple steps

7th Pay commission Basic Pay calculation with simple steps

Know Easy steps to Calculate your 7th Pay Commission New Pay Scale

7th Pay commission simplified the calculation for arriving revised Pay through new 7th CPC Pay Metrix

We here illustrate the method through easy 6 Steps to calculate our 7th CPC New Pay and Allowances to know your self

Lat us Assume you are drawing Grade Pay Rs.4200 and Pay in the Band Pay Rs.12110

To calculate your Basic Pay and Allowance follow the steps given below.

Calculate your sixth CPC basic Pay 
                  ( Grade Pay + Band Pay)   = 4200+12110= 16310

Multiply the above figure with 7th CPC Fitment Formula 2.57
16310 x 2.57 = 41916.70 . ( Paisa to be rounded off to the nearest Rupee)
                           The Ans is = Rs.41917

Match this Answer with Matrix Table ( Given Below) Figures assigned in Grade Pay column Rs.4200

There is no matching figure we arrived above in this matrix, so the closest higher figure assigned in the Grade Pay column can be chosen ie is Rs. 42300

So , Rs 42300 is your New 7th CPC Basic Pay

Identify your HRA [ See : 7th Pay commission recommendation on HRA]

HRA has been revised as 24%, 16% and 8% for 30% , 20% and 10% respectively

So if you are in 30% HRA Bracket, your HRA in 7th CPC is 24% vis versa.

Let us assume now you are in 30% HRA bracket, your revised HRA is 24%

Find the 24% of the Basic Pay  =   42300 x 24/100 = 10152

 Your HRA is Rs.10152

Identify your TPTA (Transport Allowance)

7th CPC Recommends Transport Allowance for three Category of Employees for Two Types of Places

If you are living in A1 and A classified cities (See the List of 19 cities classified as A1 and A cities) you will be entitled to get higher TPTA rates
And since your Grade Pay is 4200 you fall in Second category

ie Grade Pay 2000 to 4800 – Rs 3600+DA

Your TPTA is Rs. 3600/- (DA is Nil as on 1.1.2016)

(Sine DA will be Zero from 1.1.2016 So no need to calculate the DA to calculate 7th Pay and Allowances from 1.1.2016)

Add all the figures 

New Basic Pay + HRA+TPTA = 42300+10152+3600 = 56052

Your revised 7th CPC Grass pay as on 1.1.2016  =  Rs.56052


Anonymous said…
Much awaited pay commission report is not a bonanza to the lower grade employees. The disparity between lower level and upper level has been increased many folds. The whole govt exchequer will go to the higher echelons ‘silver spoon’ groups only. Class discrimination and inequality in every field is the main reason why our nation still stands where it was seventy years back. some of the examples for gross injustice are given below.
(a) HQ Assistants have been down graded.
(b) Section Officers have not been given their legitimate due of 5400 Grade Pay equivalent pat.
(c) Problem related career prospects have been neglected.
(d) The report is biased as the commission did not shy away in protecting the interest of supreme court employees.
If the report is to be termed as fair and impartial, it is to be implemented with the following modifications:
(i) MTS are to be placed at level 3, LDCs at level 4, and so on.
(ii) Assistants are to be placed at level 8 and SOs at level 9.
(iii) level 10 is to be abolished and an intermediate level is to be created in between level 13 and 14.
(iv) Pay of Secretary is to be brought down to 1.8 lac and Cabinet Secretary to 2 lac.
(v) Pay of regulatory bodies to be brought down to 3 lac.
(vi) Provision for encashment of HPL.
(vii) Do away of medical certificate for commuted leave.
(viii) Restoration of 'good' bench mark for macp/promotion/nfsg upto US.
(ix) Restoration of Medical advance and LTC advance.
(x) 70% DA neutralisation to Gp A service.
Logu ocf Avadi said…
4200×2.57 false
4200×2.62 correct
SSTA said…
Correct Grade pay -4200×2.62
ximb said…
If you calculate with 2.57.. then why 2.62??
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
1. My basic pay including GP is Rs. 28440/- (15600-39100/-,GP-5400/-). Fixation as per 7th Pay - 28440x2.57 = 73090.80 and my new Pay as per fitment table will be Rs. 73200/-

2. My Assistant's basic pay including GP is Rs. 28410/- (9300-34800/-, GP 4800/-). Fixation - 28410x2.57 = 73013.70 and his new pay will be Rs. 74300/-

How he will get more pay than me as he is getting less pay from every angle before 7th Pay.
Is it justified ?
What type of pay Commission is this ?
M.K.KUMAR said…
At the end of 6th cpc i.e. pay on 31/12/2015 the calculation is multiplies by 2.57 after 1/1/2016 from the grades begins rs.4200 it changes some stages 2.62,2.67 etc.

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