Rule and Regulations for the Residents Welfare Associations recognised by the government of India - DoPT

Rule and Regulations for the Residents Welfare Associations recognised by the government of India - DoPT

Review of Model constitution and Rule and Regulations for the Residents Welfare Associations recognised by the government of India, Department of Personnel and Training- regarding.

No. 5/02/2018-Welfare
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, Dated 4th June, 2018

1) All Area Welfare Officers.
2) Presidents of all RWAs.
3) Secretary of all RWAs.
4) All Ministries/Departments.
5) Placed on website of Department of Personnel and Training.

Sub:- Review of Model constitution and Rule and Regulations for the Residents Welfare Associations recognised by the government of India, Department of Personnel and Training- regarding.

Keeping the following objectives in view, the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training has been encouraging the formation of Residents' Welfare Associations in Government residential colonies as well as private colonies in which 2 or more Central Government employees are residing in one compact area:-


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