Latest DoPT Orders 2018

Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT)

Department of Personnel & Training

The role of the Department of Personnel & Training can be conceptually divided into two parts, In its large nodal role, it acts as the formulator of policy and the watch-dog of the Government ensuring that certain accepted standards and norms, as laid down by it, are followed by all Ministries/Departments, in the recruitment, regulation of service conditions, posting/transfers, deputation of personnel as well as other related issues

DoPT Orders Jan 2018
  1. 7thCPC Revision of Pay Scales Amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules – DoPT
  2. Allowto Revise Option Exercised under Rule 6 – NC JCM writes to DoPT
  3. Classification of Posts under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Dopt Orders
  4. Selection to the post of Vigilance Commissioner in the Central Vigilance Commission
  5. LTCand TA Entitlements as per 7th CPC – Clarification Orders issued by DoPT on18.1.2018
  6. Reviewof CSS Officers under FR 56 Q) and Rule 48 of CSS (Pension) Rules, 1972
  7. Regulationof Pay on imposition of a penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - commentsregarding - Dopt Orders
  8. AnnualImmovable Property Returns IPR-2017 as on 31.12.2017 is due to be filed latestby 31.01.2018 - DoPT
  9. EarlyClosure of Offices in connection with Republic Day Parade
  10. Grantof Special Casual Leave for the purpose of blood donation - DoPT


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